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D URING the past few months we have published a • number of articles dealing with the excellent • work performed by various War...
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leading hauliers there ought to be official intervention to remove impediments to the placing of insurance business in respect...
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o "point in connection with conditions of carriage raised by the chairman, of the Road and Rail Central Conference is that...
That nationalization is too often a synonym for stagnation. Turn out the old, turn in the new—where paper is concerned. That...
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Its Attitude T HE Standing Joint Committee . of Road Hauliers' National Organizations has issued a notice pointing out that...
N " profits of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., for the year ended October 31. 1941, amounted to 2372,190, against...
B Y three judgments delivered in the Court of Appeal, last week, the Army Council succeeded in an important appeal relating to...
T a Parliamentary question by Mr. • Ammon, last week, Mr. Amery, Secretary of State for India, said the extension of the war...
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trial, Transport Association will be held on May 29 and 30. Both part one and the final examinations will be conducted, the...
L AST.Thursday was notable as being 1...ethe occasion upon which was held what is believed to be the biggest meeting of those...
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general 1/meeting of Tecalemit, Ltd., a few days ago, the chairman, Mr. S. G. Gates, referred to the company's intention to...
T HE disposal of vehicles was again a topic in the House last, week. Major Lyons desired to know whether the invitations to...
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By "Tantalus " A LREADY much publicity has been given in the daily Press and over the air to the procedure in connection with...
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By JACK RIDLEY D URING recent years commercial vehicles have improved almost beyond measure, particularly, from the view point...
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I N view of certain properties possessed by rubber and synthetic-rubber compounds, automobile engineers have investigated the,...
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a Difficult Section of Haulage Solving the Problems' of the Carrier I N last week's article I dealt with parcels carrying...
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I NDUSTRY, which brought not a few benefits to County Durham, cancelled out many of them by its reactions to agriculture. But,...
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('NE of America's most progressive %.../passenger-transport organizations is the Eastern Massachusetts Street Railway, which...
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THE VITAL IMPORTANCE OF EFFICIENT MAINTENANCE MANY articles have recently been published concerning quicker turnround to speed...
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A SCHEME for facili/ - 1 tating the starting of oil engines comes in patent No. 540,788, from John I. Thornycroff and Co.,...