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A MOMENTOUS year for road transport is ending as it began—in a blaze of political controversy. There is, however, this...
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" THE question of the future relations between rail and road transport was raised by Mr. H. L. Boyce on the motion for the...
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Of nightingales singing. That a "bottle jack" on a whisky tanker is not an aspersion on the driver. That some South Wales...
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nECISIONS have been given by the Minister of Transport on two 1-" appeals concerning express services from Royal Air Force...
R EPRESENTATIONS from members of the motor industry concerning the uncertainty of the future of purchase tax on vehicles have...
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/ X FIVE-POINT pro g ramme to ensure it the success of denationalization was outlined by Mr. R. Morton Mitchell, chief...
A T a sittin g of the North Western Licensin g Authority at Blackpool, last week, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., received...
T HE Monopolies and Restrictive Practices Commission, 3, Cornwall Terrace, London, N.W.1, has been asked to submit a report on...
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1 -- NESPITE all possible economies, a Li third application for increases in fares was being made by East Midland Motor...
A PPL1CATION forms are now available from the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association for carnets de bord for British coaches...
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S TRAIN-GAUGE tests carried out on a Commer-Harrington Contender chassisless coach at the Motor Industry Research Association's...
W HILST exports for the first 10 months of the year showed a drop af 1,289 units, their total value, states the Society of...
A STATEMENT was made in a 1 - 1 written answer by the Minister of Transport, last week, clarifying the taxation of Land-Rovers....
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B IGGLESWADE magistrates decided last week that a British Road Services lorry was not subject to speed limit when travelling...
E XPERIMENTS with a maximum-capacity single-deck trolleybus are now being extended to a motorbus of similar type by Glasgow...
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A BOUT till ee years ago, Mr. Rodney Butler, of Kirkstall Forge Engineering Ltd., Leeds. 5, went to Australia, to investigate...
I 1' is understood that many British, German, Dutch and Swedish makes of heavy chassis will not be shown at the Brussels Salon...
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I N the course of his Henry Spurrier memorial lecture earlier this month, Mr. James Amos committed himself, although a little...
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End of year Thoughts by Leaders of Makers, C-licensees, Hauliers and Company and Municipal Bus Operators By Henry Spurrier...
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Report Stage Lengthened By Our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE committee stage of the Transport Bill was concluded in the...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. B ECAUSE of its high pei formance and sturdy build. operators will be tempted to carry on the...
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A DAIRYFARMER'S or greengrocer's sales unit is only one of the many trailers being manufactured by Jerry Wadesworth and Son,...
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by road says C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. —Who Surveys the Geophysical Problems to be Tackled in Such an Endeavour and Reviews the...
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NAOUNTED on a Guy Otter chassis of 14-ft. 9-in. tY 1 wheelbase, powered by a Gardner 4LK oil engine, a special Jennings body of...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. O PERATING over 600 delivery vehicles of 10-cwt. to 3i-tons capacity, and 13 trailer...
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Improving the Identity Disc IV-11LE we are putting our house in order for the New vv Year, how about suggesting to the...
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P AST regulations dealing with special types have been consolidated and amended in the Motor Vehicles (Authorization of Special...
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I HAVE recently received a number of inquiries concerning the procedure to be followed when a person is negotiating for the...
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A CCORD1NG to patent No. 681,604, 1 - 1 the conventional differential always directs greater power to the wheel more unable to...
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A SUCCESSFUL YEAR'S TRADING Widespread Field of Exports HIGH REPUTATION OF COMPANY'S PRODUCTS Mr. Sydney S. Guy on Taxation...