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A CONFIDENTIAL study into the rail system has shown that savings of up to £1,500m per year could be made if the whole BR...
CUTS in National Bus Company services totalling 25m service miles are forecast by the Department of the Environment because...
BRITAIN'S request for deferment of the drivers hours require ment contained in EEC regulation 543/69 was turned down b the...
THE employers side of the Road Haulage Wages Council i to ask the Council to increase drivers basic rates by £6 , week when it...
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LESSONS learnt by the Durham Constabulary at a simulated road tanker accident will help to shape legislation being drafted to...
by the House of Lords last week. It was introduced in the Upper House and now goes to the Commons. Before the Lords gave the...
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SIX summonses against Bolton operators Cafferky and Tomlinson of Radcliffe Road and one of their drivers, alleging defective...
A TEST programme to compar , the performance of double-decl Metropolitans, Ailsas and Bris tol VRTs has been initiated b; the...
FIELD TRIALS at Staines and on A2 at Barham have been arranged in January for the dynamic weighing equipment proposed for...
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N &reorganisation of the top xecutive management strucure of the National Freight 2orporation, Mr Peter Thompon leaves his job...
ONE of the impressive aspects of transport encountered during the visit to Holland reported in this issue was the job...
To qualify for the award, a driver must have had 20 years' service, 10 of them in international transport for the same...
REPORTS reaching the Road Haulage Association North Western (Eastern) area office from operators seeking rates increases show...
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CUTS in productivity, increased operating costs and an inevitable rise in haulage rates will all result from the introduction...
NEGOTIATIONS , for rates increases with the steel companies by the Road Haulage Association South Wales area are likely to be...
IN a case in which Stockport magistrates dismissed a charge against Henry Johnson (Packers and Shippers) Ltd on December 15 for...
Meat rates HAULAGE rates for bulk movements of meat are to be raised by 15 per cent as from January I. This is the...
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passengers carried illegally SUBSTANTIAL illegal operation during 1975 was admitted by Sampson Coach and Travel Ltd when it...
AN extensive advertising campaign to try to sell redundant AEC Merlin buses abroad has been mounted by London Transport. But an...
THE Greater London Council has given the green light to London Transport's E120m budget for 1976. In the 19767 Transport...
FOLLOWING the recent acquisition of S. & N. Motors Ltd, Bishopbriggs, Glasgowâ the Ford psv Scottish distributorâby Dorado...
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STANDARDS of equipment that are rare even on many international trucks have been specified for UK trunking by Duport Furniture...
IN the case of a drop-sided semi-trailer tipper the body is normally equipped with deep longitudinal runners to afford...
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by John Darker THE joint industrial council set up in Scotland a few months ago following agreement between the Road Haulage...
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and you have to be razor-sharp to remove 'Hair' "WE can do Murder by numbers for you in the yard at any time, but we had to do...
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A new British Standard has appeared on the antifreeze scene. Here Bill Davies, who is marketing manager of Smiths Industries'...
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ONCE the vehicles have been inspected, and the paperwork is available â or is on its way â the fleet engineer has to work...
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"EVERYBODY," said Maggie's brother Cromwell, "who pretends to know about the sometimes obscure past of road haulage sooner or...
INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL chairmen control the proceedings. This has considerable advantages in keeping the case in standard form and...
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I have recently returned to England after spending two years on the Continent ; during my stay myself and my family travelled...
Despite the report in CM last week about Dr Gilbert's intentions for the licensing of drivers of passenger vehicles which are...
The Transport Manager's Handbook 1976, compiled by David Lowe. Published by Kogan Page Ltd, 116A Pentonville Road, London Ni...
Wilkinson's Road Traffic Offences, by Patrick J. Hainan, Solicitor and Clerk to the Cambridge County Justices. Published by...
A revised edition of Containerisation and other unit transport by C. Van Den ⢠Burg. Published by Hutchinson Benham, 3...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CE!), MIMI, AMIRTE THE vexed question of the licensing of transport managers is still with us. The DoE...
by Brian Cottee ARE there no limits to the fiendish ingenuity of Ailsa men in putting over the Volvo View? 1 had accepted Ron...
THE Department of the Environment has reminded hauliers that visas for entry into Czechoslovakia cannot in any circumstances be...
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There seems to be an unprecedented engine:supply situation just now, which has presumably knocked the bottom out of the market...
Local authorities frequently make me boggle, perhaps because they seem so free at spending other people's money. Did you see...
Despite the gloomy market situation, which seems to have hit importers particularly hard, Daf remains cheerful and optimistic,...
Had a chance to ride in Leyland's B15 prototype recently, and was vastly impressed. Although there's nothing startlingly...
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SOME years before the Hitler war, the late Sir Harry Ricardo publicised the results of tests which had revealed that...
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GRAHAM MONTGOMERIE drives Bedford's very first model THE first Bedford truck dates back to 1931 and took the form of a 2-ton...
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Sampling the transport highlights of the Low Countries by John Darker COLLIN BURROWS and Ken Duggan, winner and runner up...
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tons unladen and I have an hgv driving licence to cover this. My fitters do not have hgv licences and till now, they have been...
export to and froth the docks. I understand about these being Continental journeys and that my drivers have to observe EEC...
crane to lift the front of the vehicle being recovered. Could this be classed as a mobile crane for tax purposes? A Your...
apply for entry to the young driver training scheme, which I am told the road transport industry is poised to commence. Where...
an hgv licence for vehicles not exceeding 10 tons gross when the EEC draring regulations come into effect next year. However, I...
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is another man's rapture by Patrick Prekopp WHAT DO YOU do with 1,000 brand new, bright red, highpressure pump fire engines...