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TX a few short years, mechanical road transport 4-has shown such merit as to become a serious menace to the railways, so far as...
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That tar's star's not setting. The railways' cat out of its bag. That not all preparing is purring. Of the A.A. saying, "Whoa,...
" Fer 'eying's sake," urged the conductor, "quit yer grumbling abaht the wevver. Nuffin's ever right fer yer. Reg'lar born...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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MHE Tractor and Agricultural Motor Section of the fifth annual Paris Salon de la Machine Agricole," which opened last week,...
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A Fortuitous Disclosure of Propagandist Material Written on Behalf of the Railways and Against the Haulier and Carrier. OT an...
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An Engine to Run on Heavy Oil and with an Auxiliary Ignition Device to Prevent Stopping when Throttled Down. A SERIES of...
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A Scheme for Providing Rapid and Efficient Assistance by Day or Night. W HILST the number of vehicles in service has increased...
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A Survey of the Chief Causes of Noise in the Operation of a Commercial Vehicle Chassis, and of Some of the Means for Dealing...
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The British Minister of Transport in Belfast. His Suggestion that Road and Rail Should "Get Together." By "Ulsterman. I N an...
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How Schweppes; Ltd., Distribute thei Throughout the Country. T1 ters, ⢠Wines and Cider to Retailers et Doubled in Four...
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A Demonstration of Half-track Machines on Snow and Ice. L - 1E - W. days more strenuous than Friday, January _11 15th, could...
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rpHE death of Mr. Arthur Ernest Bassom, 0.B.E. who was for some years in charge Of the Public Carriage Department of Scotland...
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Points in Connection with the Management of a One-vehicle Business and its Expansion. A WOULD-BE haulier recently asked me,...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. NEWCASTLE'S BUS POWERS: AN OFFICIAL INQUIRY. The Ministry of...
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How Bus Owners Have Co-operated and Formed an Association for the Protection of Their Interests. T HE pressure which some Of...
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A Guy "Toast-rack" Type Coach with Standard-size Wheels. Facilitating the Exit of Bus Passengers in Emergencies. /AND of the...
The High Cost of Petrol and the Government Tax on It Directing Attention to the Use of Other Fuels. TT may be remembered that...
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How to Get the Best out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 669.âPreventing Slip in the Magneto...
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Repairs in Emergencies Effected by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. F ROM time to time breakdowns occur which, although they...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications.' -Li W. LANCHESTER describes in -.patent No. 243,304 an improvement on...