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T HE Transport Advisory Council is being formed under Part 3 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, "for the purpose of giving...
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I T would appear that the efforts to encourage the re turn of traffic to the railways is likely to increase the number of...
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Of good orders for traders for railway-fleets of mechanical-horse tpctors. That if flexible refuge posts are to be used, why...
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C.M.U.A. GOODS-VEHICLE LICENSING SCHEME. As a national association acting on behalf of all classes of commercialvehicle...
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Central Transport Department for Brighton. The general purposes committee of Brighton Corporation has considered further the...
The watch committee of Beicarrox Corporation is buying a Dennis fireengine. WrrNev Urban District Council has agreed to buy a...
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N OT the least interesting feature of a new and ingenious system of allmetal construction for double-deck bodies, evolved by...
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cERIOLTS dislocation of commercial vehicle traffic was .foreshadowed at a meeting, at Cardiff, on January 19, of Glamorgan...
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B ELOW we print a further selection of the most interesting and generally instructive inquiries and answers on topics connected...
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rr HE collection of milk must, in many cases, he carried out from various farms spread over a wide area, and, as a rule, the...
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TRAILER BODYV )RK DESI6N T'men t of traileys were brought HE advantages of the employinto prominence, last year, principally...
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BRITISH 1 5-TONNER T HE report on the first full scale overseas test, carried out in Gold Coast territory, of one of the...
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ct Will Improve BEET 1 okULAGE T HE close of the cm - rent sugar-beet campaign will, I anticipate, put a period to the...
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GATWICK AND GRAVESEND: FINANCIAL LINK. The Honey Syndicate, Ltd., proprietor of Gatwick aerodrome (the importance of which has...
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UERIES 142451 Sir,—I have always been very much against the iniquitous Road and Rail Traffic Act, and thought it a harsh and...
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tion with the use of Duramin ailmetal lightweight bodies—on the passenger-vehicle side—are reported by the Duramin Engineering...
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I N the middle of 1033, F. Perkins, Ltd., commenced operations at Peterborough in the manufacture of oil engines of a size...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT EWER'S APPLIES FOR TRANSFER OF EVA'S LICENCES. O N Monday last, The Commercial Motor learns, George Ewer...
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A PANTECHNICON body with a .capacity of 750 cubic ft., yet weighing only 154 cwt., represents something of an accomplishment...
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Some Extracts From the Revised Memorandum on the Road and Rail Traffic Act and the Regulations W E have published a resum4 of...
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HAULIER and CARRIER rr HE next point that I propose to deal with in this series of articles on the effects. which the Road and...
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T Opermit larger movement of the trout wheels when meeting with obstructions is the object of patent No. 403,132 from Scainmell...