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HROU GROUT t h c country, • operators of passenger vehicles are becoming increasingly perturbed at the effects of rising costs...
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visit to the North by Lord Hurcomb, chairman of the British Transport Commission, he received from the Preston Chamber of...
Cali for Assistance WHAT a nice industry this Meets with Ready rv is! At noon on the day Response before Mr. P. M. A. Thomas...
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That we must all try hard not to zinc. That substitutes for copper are said to be the hardest to find. That Bonallack has...
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Standards for Hand Brakes ? I T is reported that in at least three traffic areas, public. service .vehicle examiners have been...
N EXT Monday (January 29) the Road Haulage Executive will increase its general haulage and parcels rates by 10 per cent. This...
C: ALED13 OW N fares revisions tsigranted by the Western Licensing Authority in response to .applications for "blanket "...
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A SPECIAL court opened in Newcastle-on-Tyne, on Monday, to hear 116 charges of contravention of the Road Traffic Act, 1930....
THE Western Licensing Authority has approved an application of the South Wales Transport Co.. Ltd., to pick up passengers for...
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S IXTY-El6HT hauliers in the Scottish Area of the Road Haulage Association, whose permits have been revoked, have decided not...
Ma. B. J. Davies has retired after 36 years. of service with Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., as a sales repre sentative in...
• • Exports Drop P RODLICT1ON of commercial vehicles in November continued at the rate established in October, hut exports...
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end of the present financial year of C516.194, Liverpool Corporation recently put a ease for fare changes to the North Western...
when towing another vehicle. 'This was affirmed last week in the King's Bench Divisional Court. The police had appealed against...
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A PF'-LYING for a B licence to enable builders' supplies to be carried on Saturdays only on a vehicle at present restricted to...
northeast are being urged to take definite action to oppose any endeavour to nationalize local bus services. Following a...
or Two The Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund enrolled 2.031 new members in 1950, compared with 1.061 in 1949. Hale and...
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W IEN the hearing of the Annis case was resumed before the Appeal Tribunal in London, last week, Mr. F. ,Annis, managing...
V OMMENDATIONS of the Irish Labour Court have granted pay increases of 68.-8s. 6d. a week to 4,000 employees of Coras Iompair...
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A SHORTAGE of road and rail transport on Tees-side was emphasized at a recent meeting of the Tees-side . . Chamber • of...
MEXT to Tyneside, factories in Middlesex and Luton suffered the highest financial losses because of power cuts between November...
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says S. V. Subramaniam Managing Director of Airflow Transport (Indio), Ltd., in an interview with Ashley Taylor D URING my...
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INCORPORATING readily detachable I. front and rear bogies and intended to operate at speeds up to 20 m.p.h., a new 40-ton...
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A Case of N atural Selection T HERE are 296.500 people in the county borough of Hull, compared with 208,320 in the...
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WEIGHING over a ton less than VV conventionally constructed vehicles of the same type, a water tender built on a Commer chassis...
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N 0 vehicle needs a greater capacity for sustained hard work than the city taxi. Continuous °Oration in crowded streets is...
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A Simple Analysis of Thermal Efficiency, Showing the Sources of Heat Losses in Petrol and Oil Engines D URING a discussion on...
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Dnstruction in New ;1W. Single-deci
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Arlington Bodybuilders, Ltd., High Road, Ponders End, Enfield, Middlesex, is notable fru its light-alloy construction. The...
rust are immeasurable. but it has been estimated that defence measures involve an expenditure, in this country alone, of £40 m....
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Although. Commercial Vehicle Bodies have been Built in the Union for Many Years, the Impetus of War was Required to Raise the...
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The Outback Down Under T HE rapid changes brought about by the introduction of the motor vehicle into the Australian outback...
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Constructive Suggestions on the Alleviation of Traffic Conditions are Contained in this Article. The Complete Cure, However,...
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IN your issue dated January 12, " Janus " writes about A the difficulty of holding the Commission accountable for their conduct...
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C 'SIDERED to be one of the best Of its kind in Australia and New Zealand; a Leyland Comet oil-engined pantechnicon has...
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A TRANSMISSION layout for rt vehicles having front-wheel drive is shown in patent No. 647,010, by L. Billotti, Turin, Italy....