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T HERE is far too strong a spirit of pessimism in the road-transport industry. Certainly matters have not been too bright in...
W HAT is going on behind the stage of the Transport Advisory Council? This question is being asked by many thinking members of...
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D URING the past few weeks police activities in the north-west have resulted in commercial-vehicle owners being summoned for...
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That a dead load is seldom quick. That the tipping gear is still holcling its own amongst many users. Of a driver saying...
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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A QUICK-RELEASE HOSE CLIP. The Griptite hose clip, made by the Jorjon Manufacturing Co., Lorne Gardens, Holland Park Avenue,...
T HE well-known Tapley meter provides the user with the actual pull exerted by his vehicle, measured in lb. per ton ; it does...
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STINCTIVE PERFORMANCE S EARCHING without being unfairly exacting, the system of road-testing that has been evolved and...
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How to Economize in Elementary Facts Concern Timber Buyin g • By a Timberman R ATHER than return a vehicle to the...
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S PEAKING at a luncheon given on brIonday at the works of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Sir Montague Hughman, chairman of...
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Increased Tonnage S OME applicants are finding difficulty in producing satisfactory evidence to justify increases in , their...
TWO-WHEELED trailers for 2-3I cwt. and 7-8-cwt. loads are being produced by Messrs. Pashley Carrier Cycles, 59, Digbeth,...
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O NLY 13 months ago—in January, 1934—Red Arrow Deliveries, Ltd., South Yardley, Birmingham, came into being. It is an...
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T HE Devon and Cornwall Joint Conciliation Board, of which Mr. K. G. Foster (Road Haulage Association) and Mr. J. Jasper...
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BIG HILLMAN DEVELOPMENTS. I 2v1PORTANT developments may he expected shortly in connection with 1-Tillman's Airways, Ltd. In...
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A PLEA FOR A RAISING OF THE SPEED LIMIT ON HEAVY VEHICLES. [4597] I should like, through your valuable paper, to point out to...
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L OADING devices of efficient design serve a most useful purpose in connection with road transport in the reduction of terminal...
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Passenger Transport PUSHED OFF ROAD: NO COMPENSATION WJE, learn that Holliday and Bangs, VV Ltd., London, S.W., proprietor of...
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T HE high cost of imported petrol and other liquid fuels, in Italy, has kept the gas producer alive in that country longer than...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent PROPOSALS TO AMEND ABNORMAL-LOADS ORDERS. I N the House of Commons,...
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'WHAT will be the effect of the VI' operation of the Road and Rail . Traffic Act, 1933, upon the activities of the small...
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F OLLOWING the recent introduction by T.S. Motors, Ltd., Maidstone, of its New Express passenger chassis, a road-test report of...
IMPORTANT statements on a point relating to bases from which hauliers may work were given at a meeting of the Plymouth and...
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PROBLEMS of th CARRIER M Y idea of writing one or two articles dealing specifically with overloading arose from a recent...
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T HE well-known name of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 32, dsnaburgh Street, London, N.W.1, appears in patent No. 429,963...