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DHL-Exel is looking at delivering engineering products into the airport and taking over deliveries to airlines. Roanna Avison...
POTENTIALLY THOUSANDS of letters have been sent to operators that pre-registered their Euro-3 vehicles warning they may not...
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HAVING H IT its three-year light CV growth target a year earl y,Nissan is upping the ante with an ambitious strategy to become...
saw one of the inevitable announcements in UK road transport when MAN finally revealed the death of the ERF brand. The lack of...
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Operators in England are to receive additional training funds from the Leitch Implementation Plan. Tim Maughan reports. A...
VOSA SAYS it is experiencing a backlog in some areas of its licensing work following its controversial move to centralise...
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A MEETING TO discuss the construction of a controversial freight distribution depot deep in the Suffolk countryside has...
THE OWNER OF a Cambridgeshire-based soft fruit packaging company says he is confident he will be granted permission to expand...
DIGITAL MAPPING company NavTeq, whose products underpin many commercial sat-nay systems, is to launch its LGV mapping this...
MERSEYSIDE-BASED Gaskells Waste I Services has ordered a second Volvo FM400 8x4 rigid truck just weeks after taking delivery of...
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The driver warned of an explosion risk after his gas tanker crashed onto a railway line in County Durham. Cliff Goodwin...
PORTS IN ENGLAND and Wales will be left to make their own decisions about where and when to invest in infrastructure, the...
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The port plans to abolish hauliers' booking fees, but will keep the £21 charge for every slot missed. Chris Tindall reports....
KEN MALLINSON Transport has recently evaluated new Volvos, Dafs and Mercedes and chosen the Daf XF105 as "the vehicle for us",...
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new drivers despite the driver shortage, according to a survey by recruitment specialisi Manpower. In a survey of 1,800 UK...
environmentally friendly engines," The Euro-5s will have on-board diagnostics and so will qualify for Reduced Pollution...
THE ARRIVAL OF new kit has cheered Ken Mal linson Transport after three difficult weeks of pumping water out of its new service...
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The Culina Logistics driver receives no compensation as his claim of unfair dismissal is rejected at Tribunal. Peter Swingler...
REPORTS CONNECTING a 24-hour blaze at a haulage yard with a criminal protection racket have been dismissed as "speculation" by...
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MASTERNAUT HAS WON Barloworld's forklifts offer a LIm. five-year contract with round-the-clock maintenance Barloworld Handling...
THE BIGGEST truck drivers' union has warned that enforcement efforts to get dangerous trucks off the road are only touching...
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Tackling environmental concerns can be confusing for businesses. Roanna Avison attends Scala's Annual Logistics Debate to find...
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by employers and to ensure they are safe to drive or use machinery so companies cannot bypass those regulations, even if the...
The original reason for having a bonnet was accessibility. The engines of early automotive vehicles needed more or less...
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ATS Euromaster is the UK's largest tyre network. Andy Salter speaks to managing director Ian Stuart to find out how he is...
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I READ WITH great interest your feature on telematics entitled 'Close Control' (CMS July).Telematics has a proven track record...
READ WITH interest your response to a reader's question "I frequently carry high-value loads and am worried about theft.What...
WE ARE keen to correct a number of misleading statements you have printed regarding the low-emission zone ('Vosa will be the...
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up standards T he figures are in for the first night of Vosa's latest International Vehicle and Driver Safety Check in the...
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At CM we have obtained a document detailing all the changes to MAN's replacement for the TGA. Read on for the full exclusive...
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Drivers' hours infringements, maintenance problems and unrecorded mileage are being considered by the TC. Mike Jewell...
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AN OPERATOR WHO filled in inspection sheci , -, without checking the vehicles has had his threevehicle licence revoked and been...
A SKIP-I I1RE OPERATOR whose maintenance contractor was blamed for vehicle defects, including badly-adjusted brakes. has had...
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SURREY COUNTY Council has successfully objected loan operator's application to base its vehicle on a site restricted to...
PERMITTING A DRIVER to operate a 7.5-tonne vehicle without the necessary driving licence has cost Luton-based MS Foods 11,750...
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f you have never done jury service, the chances are you will eventually be one of the 390,000 people who help decide the...
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Women workers are vastly under-represented in the road transport workforce. However, some key employment laws can help to...
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Every £100 paid into a pension plan costs you just £78 — isn't it time you started planning ahead? Andrea Kirkby reports. T...
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NG W ith the construction industry continuing to thrive in the UK, the demand for light tippers to transport the necessary...
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matters Retail Price Index (RPI) inflation fell to 4.3% in May, down 0.2% from April, and Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation...
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CONSTRUCTION T ake a look at the figures and you can't help getting excited about the construction sector as a place to ply...
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reach on L ogistics is not about trucks or the movement of goods; according to business guru John Gattoma it is about the...
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I n April we reported that the GDP and road freight traffic in the UK were no longer in sync so it was difficult to predict...
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Rising numbers of goods vehicles are crossing to mainland Europe b but fewer of them are registered Lau ra in the UK. Dylan...
Truck and van registrations were up the year-to-date total is down by a q T he June truck and van registrations brought good...
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1 4 0111rSe Many Western firms are doing more business with India and China but there are signs their growth may not be as...
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A , CM we happily write about new transport firms, or firms that have diversified into a fresh market. But we also have the...
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ets tough As the years of low interest rates come to an end, operators should take action now to cut their debt as much as...
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Consumers are able to gain online access to Manheim Auctions' stocklist using its Hammer Time! service. Kevin Swallow reports....
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Franchised dealers are having to compete with their independent rivals as desirable second-hand stock remains elusive, writes...
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After three decades at John R Weir, Russell Duthie is stepping down. Kevin Swallow reports. R ussell Duthie turned 60 last...