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A portion of the Editor's paper on " Public Service Vehicles," which has now been presented as one Of the communications before...
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Article 5. -How They Deal with the Subsidy Question in France. By Our Own Correspondent in Paris. At the request of a number...
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A Commercar Uses Paraffin Fuel, the Engine Starting Immediately from Cold. In our issue of 17th October, 1912, we fully...
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Three years ago, whilst the commercial use of motor omnibuses had reached a stage of development at which, for employment upon...
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in our issue dated 24th April, p. 150, there appeared an article entitled " The Equipment of Cars for ' Commercials.' " This...
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they are not blessing us at Whitehall. That many a big owner is only a small speaker. That standard qualities for benzole will...
Going into the "Melting Pot." A minor instance of vacillation is found in the holding-back of the subvention plaques. Promised...
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Charron, Ltd., seems to be able to make money still—out of cabs, in part. The 1912 profits available for distribution were...
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Important Ploughing Test—A " Mixed " Fire-engine—A Foreign Order. By Our Own Correspondent In Berlin. Ploughing with Rotary...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A....
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And Very Nice Too. Is there anything, I wonder, more solidly satisfactory than a real good balance sheet. Fleeting triumphs...
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[ROYAL Sii A GUIDE TO THE COMMERCIAL [ i MOTOR& ACCESSORY EXHIBITS. I Once more we are faced with the problem of how best...
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Has the Dennis Worm Drive Yet Been Approved ? The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1224] Sir,—In your comment on my letter in...
Successful Inauguration of the Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A. A meeting took place, at the Midland Hotel,...
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During the past week we heard from our Thornycroft friends that matters were well advanced at the works in connection with the...
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Its Distinguishing Features are Sound and Good Workmanship. It is of interest to note that J. Tylor and Sons, Ltd., Belle...
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Our readers are already fairly familiar with the construction of the Girling parcelcar. This model has rendered a, good...
W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., Stafford, has carried out several improvements in its engines intended for use on commercial...
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Work Delivering Meat with a 4-ton Straker-Squire Lorry. We would not recommend any sufferer from nerves to attend the...
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By George W. Watson, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. The author is the Inspecting Engineer of the Commercial Motor Users Association;...
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One Motorvan Does in Nine Hours What Three Horses Do in Three Days. As a collection of expressions of opinion unsolicited by...
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A vehicle which is claimed to be the most complete and efficient mine-rescue car ever built has just been constructed to the...
Some interesting information has recently appeared in the motoring and lay Press as to what becomes of old oars. The latest to...
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best corn. munication received, and one Denny a line of ten words for anything else published, with an allowance for...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sale Branch, Patent...