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W E ARE GLAD to observe that the small bus , owning and operating concerns in the Metropolis have been brought together with a...
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Of mud baths. Mind your step! " Cl Mind your Stepney! " "Kerb your spirits." That it's the first step that costs. That a...
An enterprizing Midlothian baker, having bought a motor van, began to include in his round an appallingly hilly read where the...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is the...
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IP "Highways Committee of the Westmin.ster City Council re.commends the purchase of three Karrier motor wagons at a cost of...
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An Interview with the A.E.C. Representative for Australia, Who is Now in This Country. T HE WRITER recently had laid before...
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New Materials and New Methods Employed in Making British Roads Attract the Attention of European Public Works Engineers. A...
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A PARTICTL ABLY interesting pocket calculator, which is equivalent to a slide rule 5 ft. 6 ins, long, is being marketed by...
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A Fowler Machine Built in Three Sizes and Resembling the Ordinary Steam-Roller in its General Aspects. I NCI1EASINO attention...
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Why Attention is Being Tit Features. A Brief Descrip . We Suggest as a Me e Subject. Some Desirable e Successful Types. What...
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Roadside facilities for petrol supply are undoubtedly a great. boon for all classes of motor transport, and such facilities are...
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Formation of a Body Representing the Interests of the Small Bus Owners Operating in the Metropolis. A • T THE instigation of...
• Informative Data Dealing with the Operation of Buses in 39 Different Centres. A COMMITTEE of the Carlisle City Council,...
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The Choice of a Suitable Set and its Appurtenances, and its Installation on the Vehicle. I N THE three articles which have...
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LOADS. H ITHERTO THE market for the 1-ton cbassis in this country has been almost the exclusive domain of the Ford truck of...
N ORDER to assist . visitors to the Royal Show in finding the makers of the different types of vehicles and implements, we have...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. AMERICAN ELECTRIC RAILWAYS ADOPTING MOTORBUSES. Extensive...
Rates Situation at Llandudno. Does the Coach Trade Lack Status ? Licensing Difficulty. S OMETHING like two years ago The...
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Sidelights on an Attraction which Brought 5,000 Motor Coaches to Blackpool, B LACKPOOL probably holds the 1923 record for a...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver, and Repairer. I N THIS series of...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 391.—How to Reinforce Laminated Springs....
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Difficulties Met and Overcame by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. A LONDON driver—" E.S.T.," ul West Ham—tells us that he has...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. T HE SPICE of novelty is present in double flavour in the design of steam tractor...