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W HILE so much attention is being devoted to the need for a national system of arterial highways as a means for defence, as...
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Lorry Said to Run on a Fuel Described as Solid Petrol . . W E were amused to see, recently, in a daily paper, a reference to a...
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' That precision is the Morse code. That dirt is still the bugbear of most rail travel. Of yet another north-country holiday...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
41 I F railway counsel's interpretation of Ridgewell were correct, then no applicant could come before any court for an extra...
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Coal-distillation plants are to be established in Glasgow and Edinburgh by the National Coke and Oil Co., which recently opened...
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F URTHER road opposition to railway applications for additional motor vehicles will be put forward at a sitting of the...
'THE railways are out of date for 1 our class of business," remarked a witness at the third day's hearing of the application...
Doncaster Rural District Council is to buy a cesspool emptier. Nottingham Fire Brigade has ordered a Leyland FK6 fire-engine....
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As a result of its experience with the Leyland Hippo during the past 18 months, the South African Railways have ordered a...
the use of road transport, in preference to the railways, was referred to by a witness when Mr. E. Prescott, 11, Rosedale...
T HE railways have lost the famous Smart case. The appeal by the G.W. and L.M.S. Railway companies, against the Western...
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A LTG; as most farmers regret it, almechanical transport has superseded the horse, not only on the roads but also on the land....
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LIVESTOCK CARRIERS and HORSEBOXES How to Design Bodywork for Maximum Utility and to Ensure the Safe Loading, Transport and...
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By D. N. McHardy, N.D.A., A.I.E.E. E VEN the most enthusiastic supporters of the horse have admitted, from the earliest days...
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A Scarcity of Efficient Hand and Horse Labour Compels Market Gardeners to Look for Reliable Low-priced Mechanical Implements....
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With. Government Assistance, a Flourishing British Agrimotor Industry Could Be Established to Meet the Ever -increasing Demand...
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ES TO ROAD TRANSPORT H. Scott Hall, 1‘. ,A E., MITA. A GRICULTURE is greatly indebted to mechanical road transport. Some...
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Points to Consider in Selecting an Agrimotor to Gain Maximum Output at Minimum Cost. Some of the Conditions Encountered and How...
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WITH - a view to saving weight, VV A. C. Penman, Ltd., Dumfries, has patented a container body which, it is stated,can be...
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• rOURAecisions were given, on Wed nesday, by the Appeal Tribunal, The Smart case, which failed, is reported at length on page...
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AGRICUL TURAL HAULAGE A GRICULTURE presents more opportunities to the haulier than does any other industry. The work is more...
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A Port That is of Rapidly Growing Importance as a Centre for Road-transport Operation. A Survey of the Class of Traffic Dealt...
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Wide Range of Tackle Necessary to Deal with a Big Variety of Tasks. Higher Rates Necessary to Ensure Economic Working T i -IE...
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This Ingenious Semi-trailer Coupling, Introduced to Give Increased Body Space on Maximum-length Vehicles, Now Incorporates a...
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Prove the Tractor's Value R EPRESENTATIVES of The Cornmercial Motor have interviewed farmers with ' wide experience of...
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Forecast of Power-farming and Vehicle Exhibits to be Found in the Implement Section of the Bristol Exhibition, from June 30...
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A LTHOUGH the list of exhibits of PA Associated Manufacturers Co, (London), Ltd., tallies fairly closely with that of last...
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in Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent BIG INCREASE OF VEHICLES PER ROAD MILE. T HE rapid development of...
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T HE transport manager of the Midland Counties Dairy Co., Ltd. (Mr. H. Pagett), recently explained to a representative of The...
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A TWO days' inquiry was held at Darlington, last week, into an appeal by the L.N.E. Railway Co. against the decisions of the...
W/HEN the Royal CommisVV sion on the Unification of Tyneside Local Authorities completed its sitting at Newcastle-on-Tyne, last...
H OTELIERS want fantail tours, from which they have built up considerable business. This is the principal point of a forceful...
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T HE following are the latest results of municipal transport operation during the past year:— Manchester. A total net profit,...
day and into the evening, rook place before the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, at York, on Monday, when applications by the...
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An Interesting Dyson Equipment Which Forms a Link Between Two Tramway Systems A N interesting trailer has been .specially...
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and QUERIES ROAD OR RAIL? f48201 With the casualties on the roads exceeding 6,000 killed'and 150,000 injured annually, while...
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Model RD4, the Smallest Oiler in the Range, Now Available in This Country. A New Concessionnaire Appointed A N accompanying...
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SCOTLAND WANTS T.A.C. DELEGATE. " Scotland's lack of representation on the Transport Advisory Council was the subject of...
A GRICTJLTURAL hauliers gathered in force when S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, lectured in Salisbury, last week. In...
Yorkshire Traffic Area, following two years' operation of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, at a meeting of members of Skiptoa...
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importance of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association, the quality of the three papers presented during the Conference...
entitled "Fares and Their Control," by Mr. C. A. Hopkins, general manager, Sunderland. The author includes many tables of fares...
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T HE subject chosen for the paper by Mr. C, Jackson, general manager of Plymouth City Transport, was " Bus Parking—Night and...
A T Maidstone, last Friday, the appeals committee of West Kent Quarter Sessions heard appeals by Messrs. A. and L. Baldock,...