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T HE new President of Associated Road Operators, Major H. E. Crawfurd, has put forward in The Petroleum Times some pertinent...
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Municipal Preference n NE important fact which for the Oil Engine .1 / 4 -jemerges from a close study for Buses of our...
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Of a " colour" film which is not itself coloured. • Easter east, or Easter west, travelling by coach is best. " • • That there...
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Application has been made by Currie and Co. (Newcastle), Ltd., Northumberland Road, Newcastle, to the Northern Licensing...
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M. D. ZAMBRA, agent for Leyland Motors, Ltd., in Monteyideo, has left South America on a business trip to the headquarters...
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Aberdeen fish going 1 into Manchester and Liverpool, to-day, than ever before, due chiefly to the road-transport facilities now...
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H OW farmers in the neighbourhood of Caersws had been compelled to seek the services of stock-transport contractors from 25...
Railway " is ing h* " rI B J ECTION to the railway's ques tioning a witness on matters relating to the personal conduct of his...
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Islington Borough Council is buying a Bedford van. Weymouth Corporation is to purchase a gully-emptier. Darlington...
O NE of the most interesting features of the recent Swiss Motor Show, at Geneva, was an unconventional new brake system,...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent COMMISSIONERS CANNOT ADJUST WAGES RATES. ric connection with the...
last week's issue dealing with equipment for the municipal fleet and garage, mention was made of the value of lubricating...
IN last week's issue we referred briefly 1 to a new Bendix-Cowdrey brake tester recently marketed by Bendix, Ltd., Tyseley,...
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Are Doing BIG SCOTTISH FEDERATION COMING SOON. Formation of a federation to 'unite local and national associations in...
to put up a big fight against any increase of taxes was one of the points made by Major the Hon. Eric Long, J.P., at an A.R.O.....
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WHAT must have been one of the VY most successful functions ever staged by an association was ' the Coronation dinner and dance...
Mr. Robert Barr, of Leeds, head of the Barr group of Yorkshire . roadtransport companies, who not bug ago resigned from A.R.O.,...
T HE need for a co-ordinating body in road transport was urged by Mr. Archibald Henderson, Southern Scotland Licensing...
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THROATS Rational Use of the Figures in "The Commercial Motor" Tables of Operating Costs Preferable to the Preparation of New...
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ARE CLEAN ED Varied Systems in Use n Paris, Brussels, Berlin and Vienna. New Hygienic Methods Being Introduced into the French...
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40TOR vehicles were first adopted 1V1for dust-collection purposes in Vienna, Austria, in 1923, the outfit then decided upon...
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Recent Appeal Decisions Afford Helpful Pointers for Applicants, Particularly those Seeking Licence "Transfers" S OME important...
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Working in Close Collaboration with the Ministry of Transport, the Road Research Laboratory at Harmondsworth is Carrying Out...
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An Elaborate Snow-removal Service Enables Roadtransport Contractors to Operate All the Year Round I N this country, with our...
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A k LTHOUGH the number of new ins motor vehicles registered for the first time in January, 1937, showed a useful increase of...
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and QUERIES NEW STEAM-WAGON CONCESSIONS OF LITTLE VALUE. [5003) I read with interest your announcement that steam-wagon...
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I N the issue of The Commeretal Motor dated October 4, 1-935, we described the Tyresoles process of reconditioning worn covers....
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British, American, German and Other Foreign Makes Shine in French Exhibition of Increased Importance T HE annual Salon de la...
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Orthodox in General Design but Incorporating Ingenious Adfusting Devices and Special Materials THREE years of laboratory...
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S IX of the largest Passenger-vehicle operators in Montgomeryshire and district are to merge into a new company, - Mid-Wales...
11,010NOPOLY is recommended by IVICol. A. S.I Redman, chairman of the West " Midland Traffic Commissioners, as a cure for...
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R ESTRICTION of excursion and tour operators to six visits to industrial towns during the currency of their licences is a sore...
rRITICISMS of present conditions in '4-soroad passenger transport in this country and a suggestion that a remedy lies in a...
R IVALRY between Leicester Corporation and the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., over the Leicester-Evington bus...
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A PPLICATION of the disc system of i - Videntification to all public-service vehicles, where the number is restricted, was...
for Continental Tours OR some years Messrs. European 1 Motorways, Chesham House, 150, Regent Street, London, W.1, have operated...
P ERHAPS the largest single party to visit London for the Coronation celebrations will come from Rochdale. Nine thousand...
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Injection-pump Piping WITH the high pressures used in inW jection systems, the elasticity of even a thick pipe can sometimes...