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T HIRTEEN year's ago the cessation of hostilities marked the commencement of a period of transition, in a way no less drastic...
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trade, some to the credit and a few to the discredit of the individuals concerned. Amongst the latter class is the case of an...
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which...
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in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent The London Passenger Transport Bill. S IR HENRY MAYBURY, chairman of...
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T HE wheel-grip capacity of an axle of a bogie, when all four wheels are driven, is too well known to require recapitulation,...
A PART from the fact that a reduc tion , in the weight of, a body incrbaies the pay-load capacity of a vehicle, the question of...
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A Low-loading Level and Other Special Features A LTriOUGH it is possible to build on conventional lines a trailer which does...
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SIXWHEELER A Day's Trial of the Shefflex DL6 4-5-tonner. A Solidly. Built Six-wheeler with a Trailing Axle. Fuel Economy at...
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O NE of our readers has subfuitted to us a design for a sunshine roof of utrusual novelty, which has been provisionally...
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How to Calculate the Overhang for Four-wheeled or Rigid Six-wheeled Vehicles. Useful Tables Showing a Variety of Maxima S OMH...
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Tubes, Ltd., of Birmingham, Produe( Ranging from , T 1 in. to 15 ins. in D of Manufacture Makes A Variety of Products,...
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Subsidiary Suspension Systems Which Come into Action when Ordinary Springs are Fully Loaded V ARIATIONS in load, extremely bad...
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NEW SIX-TON TRAILER B ESIDES its particularly robust construction, there are several distinctly novel features in a new 6-ton...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I T is worth while, before continuing the consideration of some of the other aspects of trailer use, to...
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A FUNCTION that constitutes a milestone in the complicated history of London's passenger-transport system took place on May...
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Forwardcontrol Drivers' Cabs Our Bodybuilding Expert Covers the Subject of Designing Drivers' Compartments for Mounting on...
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30-cwt. MODEL A LTHOUGH i n the commercialvehicle market low prices are . considered to be of paramount importance a new...
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T O meet the requirements of those persons who habitually leave their vehicles unattended by the roadside and who do not want...
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of Passenger Transport Latest News from the Various Traffic Areas DETERMINED FIGHT BY THE M.H.C.S.A. The Road Traffic Act...
no Weight with the Northern Corsmissioners I NTEREST attaches to the recent _Lpublie sitting of the Northern Traffic...
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The application by Southend Corporation, which already operates tramg and trolley-buses, for licences to run a motorbus service...
Arl WING to the fact that the number - of possible combine11 ...../tiens of two-letter motor-index marks is rapidly being...
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The Editor, THE 'COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3408] Sir,—In maintaining cost records of our buses we have, under the item...
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Cellulose 1 N recent years the cellulose process of finishing a vehicle .1ms Made great progress ; the durability of the body...
Seats for Passenger Vehicles T HE subject of seating on passenger vehicles is one that directly concerns both the operator...
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OIL ENGINES A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications MHE name of Motoren fabrik Dents Aktiengesellschaft, of...