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est Midlands hauliers have icked a Ministry of Defence ntract after it was taken ray from a haulier who had id a 15 per cent...
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THE BRITISH vehicle manufacturing industry is capable of supplying operators with any known configuration of commercial vehicle...
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Over the first six months of the financial year, sales are up from $2.7m to $2.8m and net earnings have risen from $82.7m to...
WEST Midlands hauliers have blacked a Ministry of Defence contract after it was taken away from a haulier who had paid a 15 per...
taken at checking facilities in ports admitted John Horam, Under he was questioned In the Commons last week about too-heavy...
THE NORWEGIAN government is taking a 40 per cent share in AB Volvo from January 1 next year. A new company — the largest Nordic...
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National Bus Company presented its best financial results since its formation in 1968. Net profit rose by almost £4 million to...
A NEW £15 million freight complex is being designed to take freight off the roads and put it on railways said a BR spokesman...
Dateline: Oslo Wednesday. AT THE closing session of the IRU Congress yesterday resolutions were adopted recommending the...
THE third International Con: ference and Exhibition on Marine Transport using Rollon/Roll-off Methods will be held in Hamburg...
BRITISH operators have IN warned that a manufactun plate is not enough to all lorries into West Germany. Although the 1971 Go(...
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iD dealers are to be offered arpose-built computerised mess system that the corny claims will streamline r operations in the...
HUGE numbers of tourists using Dover's Eastern Docks resulted in massive delays at the port last weekend as traffic was...
dine: Oslo Thursday. E ROAD transport industry has been taking a critical look at itself this week in o. Delegates from 32...
Members of Parliament can be gluttons for punishment . . . lesser mortals would have decided that six hours' discussion of the...
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xpress delivery ACKETT's Transport of ottingham has extended its :press delivery service to amilton in Central Scotland. A...
IR FREIGHT Group subliary Inter City Trucks Ltd Ls ordered three Volvo FIO active units and two FIO gid drawbar units from...
HE ROAD Transport InIstry Training Board spent !9,607,000 on training in )76-77, the latest year for hich information is...
RAVEN Tasker has bought le share capital of Boalloy, taimed to be market leaders side access vehicle bodies. A Craven Tasker...
THE TRANSPORT Bill has been changed to ensure that British Rail will not be able to go into the road haulage business ... but...
HIGHER levels of consumer spending are leading to uneven growth throughout the transport industry as industrial output goes up...
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Trailer service TRANSFLASH McGregor has introduced a new twiceweekly trailer service between Bradford and Sundsvaal in...
GROUP 4 Total Security Ltd has placed a £134,000 order for 75 Dodge 1100 vans with Coachcraft of Evesham. Group 4, which...
LEYLAND has won a £10.5m order from Iran for 2,250 completely knocked down 14-ton bonnetted Super Comet lorries. They will be...
THE NEW Blue Boar M1 service area at Rothersthorpe, Northants opens on Sunday (May 28). Refuelling, parking and toilet...
A PRISON sentence broke a scrap dealer's hold on his four lorries, and caused his Operat Licence to be curtailed. The Transport...
PROHIBITIONS on lorries of over 7.5 tonnes and on lorries with trailers in West Germany will apply to the following roads...
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HE TRANSPORT Department has seriously considered banng overtaking by heavy goods vehicles on the two-lane section ' the MI in...
■ ODYBUILDERS have been yarned to look out for a stolen railer which could be fitted /Rh TIR bodywork. The vehicle, a Crane...
BRIDGE and tunnel tolls have become inconsistent and should be reviewed, the Freight Transport Association has told Transport...
AN OWN account operator complained at Grays Magistrates Court last week that its allocation of international permits was too...
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GOODS vehicles of over seven tons will be banned from many Swedish highways on various dates between 1600 hours on June 22 and...
DRIVERS in 11 areas have qualified for the CM Lorry Driver of the Year Competition final at Cranfield, Beds, on September 3. An...
A DRIVER who was dismissed following a complaint about his driving was awarded compensation by a Leeds Industrial Tribunal...
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OLVO'S new bus production ant at Boras, Sweden was laugurated on Friday by Aredish Minister of Transport id Communications Bo...
S LONDON'S tourist season imes into full swing, the etropolitan Police coach adsory service has issued a arning about coaches...
TAYSIDE Regional Council Committee agreed last week to write again to the Secretary of State for Scotland asking for a council...
if a trial experiment with artic buses is agreed in South Yorkshire, all South Yorkshire bus drivers would be allowed to drive...
The West Midlands Council's policy and priorities committee has approved the plan to raise bus fares by around 15.2 per cent...
ANGLO Coachbuilders Ltd, Batley, Yorks, has built a bus designed to operate in difficult terrain. The bus, based on a Bedford...
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THE CONFEDERATION of British Road Passenger Transport has reacted angrily to the death of the penalty fares amendment to the...
A SCOTS bus chief refuted allegations by the Traffic Commissioners and Central Regional councillors about "indifference and...
PLYMOUTH has joined t list of cities offering its sing deck standee buses for sale a premature date. Eleven six-year-old Leyla...
Two 15-year-old Leyla Leopards have been boug from Ensign Bus of Grays the second was being refur ished last week — and a other...
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'HITE Trucks Ltd, a prominent US commercial vehicle anufacturer, is to sell its Road Commander 2 in the UK trough White Trucks...
VAUXHALL Motors has added 62 specially designed van semi-trailers from Craven Tasker (Sheffield) Ltd to its Luton-based...
>dies, has now formed a solid aste handling division which ill operate from Bamber ridge, Preston, Lancs. One of the products...
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LEYLAND has launched a 6x4 Marathon 2 tipper and a INtonne Scammell Crusader tractive unit at Expomat (See News Extra, p27)....
ONE of the first side-gated curtain skiers to give complete access produced by bodybuilders Lawrence David Ltd, of Peterborough...
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BRITISH VEHICLE and accessory manufacturers are well represented at Expomat 78, the 11th International Public Works Exhibition...
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In the interest of safety on the roads, I think we could tackle one aspect which would prevent a lot of accidents happening. A...
From Ron Douglas's article on MoT testing (CM, April 7), it would appear that not all testing station are working to the same...
The recent moves announced by the R HA, which are designed to attract owner drivers to become members, leave a lot to be...
I was interested to read the article in CM, April 14 headed "Lights at Night. Can the police find nothing better to do than...
I wish to refer to the statement from Mr William Foden (CM, April 28). He hoped that the British commercial vehicle industry...
12). I am not surprised that your correspondent has not reported three facts clearly, due to the confusion at the meeting. (1)...
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THE BRITISH BRITISH commercial vehicle industry makes a substantial contribution to the economy by virtue of its export...
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OMMERCIAL VEHICLES owered by British-built or :ritish-designed diesel en pines are playing a big part in :eeping the developing...
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Stevo Grcy tests tho Ford 3A2818 Payload: 20 36 tonne.c. (70 tons 5cvv0 Overall fuel consumption: 43 46Iit." 100km (6 5nipg)...
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NorId is the British colony of long Kong. Although a 3ritish colony Hong Kong is free port where British 3oods compete on equal...
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not only excellent economy but also the . . . . Shortest ever round trip time IN BRIEF Price as tested: £20,620 Weight: 32.5...
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Principles of gearing WHEN a vehicle is travelling along a road the resistance to its motion (termed the tractive resistance)...
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By Les Oldridge, T.Eng (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE Traffic signs— controlled by law SOME people argue that we have too many traffic...
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Brian Collier' as its st operations director. He ns the Hitchin-based firm om Hestair Toys, and orked in Luton and New stle...