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We announced, by request, in our issue of last week, the decision of one of the leading importing groups to give a certain...
It is satisfactory to note that a correspondent of " Th Times," in that journal's second article of a series upon Th Motor...
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This Article Explains a Novel Method of Transmitting Power by Means of Compressed and Heated Air. A system of power...
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The Portpatrick and Wigtownshire Railway Company notifies the withdrawal of its motorbuses from the Stranraer and Drununore...
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In its short existence, the petrol motor has been adapted to so many UtieS, that it is not surprising that itcapabilities are a...
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This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches ; it has the largest and best...
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Visitors to Liverpool cannot fail to see and admire the gorgeous building put up near the river on the site of the Old Tower,...
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NiatOreabS. IL iS forecasted that there will he 3,000 motorcabs in service by the end of the present year—an estimate which is...
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By a Sympathiser. The evolution of the present-day automobile must rank as one of the most rapid processes through which it...
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The Hanover Machine-building )mpany, Germany's greatest locoative shop, is erecting works, at tenmitz, Saxony, for the...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Ulu of ten words for anything else published....
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Bnyers. The "Schroeder" Ratchet Spanner....
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CAR . I3VRETTER — 13urstall. — No. 23,546, dated 25th October, 1907.This invention relates to carburetters of the type in which...