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of vehicle can overcome its present limitations as to mileage and speed, so much the better, kir . it will become a still more...
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S IGNIFICANT comments upon the control of industry, export trade and taxation were made on November 18 by Mr. Ralph Assheton,...
Fuel Can be Wasted A READER who had three in - a Number of tons of clinkgr left over Ways froth farm-road repair s, . wanted...
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That we must enrol to control control, That there's not flinch of the " wee free " these days. Congratulations to "the vehicle...
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T Hauliers' Mutual Federation has issued a statement of policy. The points are as follow : —To defend the independent haulier...
A T a recent meeting of the Institute of the Motor Trade, held. at its Sheffield Centre, under the chairmanship of Mr. C. F....
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T HE abnormally high rate of casual ties in industry was the subject of a conference attended in Birmingham, last week, by...
A SCHEME of licensing to control not only all branches of the retail motor trade hut also vehicle repair and maintenance shops...
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D OUBLE DECKERS for animal transport area commonplace amongst hauliers 'engaged in cattlecarrying, but it is something of a...
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CHIEF INSPECTOR G. R. GRAHAM IS to retire at the end of the year, after 40 years' service with Darlington Corporation transport...
Long-range Installations Which Can be in Operation in a Few Hours After the Vehicles Have Been Halted TRRSPECTIVE of any forin...
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Many Letters Concerning Aspects of the M.O.W.T. Road Haulage Scheme Have Reached Us, and Those Published Form a Cross Section...
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and Criticisms Concerning This Important Subject Continues • An Institute Would be Successful By J. H. Vincent (London...
By William Fish (Managing Director, Dennis Bros., Ltd.) A SSUMING the transport industry to be free from war time risks, the...
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COLLOWING . its highly successful Practical Planning Exhibition, held in London last month, the Institution of Civil...
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A Forceful Commentary by a Leading Manufacturer in Our Industry, in which He Strongly Criticizes the Tendency Towards the State...
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Solving the Pr of the Carrier In Comparing the Worth of One Vehicle to be Made: 1—Costs of Maintenance ; 3—Depreciation ; the...
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An American Technician Lifts the Veil as the Steps Which . Should be Taken to Prevent Burnt-out Valves and Improve Engine...
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swarms of people who are endeavouring to push small operators off the road may think that they are doing good work for...
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I WOULD like to draw your attention to the anomalous position regarding the 334 per cent. Purchase Tax recently introduced by...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published A CCORDINq to patent No. 556,205, 1 — tit is impossible,...