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D ENATIONALIZATION was uppermost in the minds of all the delegates to the annual conference of the Road Haulage Association, at...
Service to Overseas Bodybuilders A MONGST the concerns which are helping to develop the use of light alloys by bodybuilders...
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QTATISTICS published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders show that production during August was affected by...
A M ODEL of a Girling disc brake is displayed at the Motor Show at Earls Court. This is the first time a British disc brake for...
Dy Tuesday evening, the Road HaulI-) age Association had received a gratifying number of replies from antiSocialist candidates...
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T HE Railway Executive's form of agreement concerning traders' private sidings prejudices users' free choice of transport. This...
MHEN original permits are issued to V , hauliers, the Road Haulage Executive should make the conditions clear. This was...
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A DUNFERMLINE firm of coach hirers and a party organizer were fined £.5 and £10 respectively at Dunfermline Sheriff Court, last...
IT was not right to ask the ordinary / travelling public to pay more while a few passengers continued to receive substantial...
MR. S. HaTtiawav, traffic superintendent of Rochdale Transport Department, is to take up a similar appointment with Stockport...
A N experimental system designed to speed up postal deliveries is to be tried in Montreal and Toronto next month. Squads of...
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PIA N export record was set up by Leyland Motors, Ltd., in the year ended September 30. Half of the company's production was...
A T the Austin " Show " dinner on Monday, "The Company" was proposed by Mr. A. B. Waring, who said that honesty was the best...
the Transport and General Workers' Union for a 3d.-an-hour increase in pay for engineering, maintenance and repair grades...
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QTATING that his council had been the exception of a proposal to W abolish all return fares, Southampton Corporation was...
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T HE London Transport Executive's costs will rise by about £1-km. a year on account of the wage increase of 8s. 6d. a week...
T WOpolice appeals against dismissals by Prescot magistrates ol 2summonses against J. and L. Rigby (Wigan), Ltd.,...
fair sample of the work of the Road Haulage Executive, I think the sooner private enterprise can have a hand in it the better....
A PPARATUS for detecting faults in -1 - 1 tyres by ultrasonic means has recently been installed in the works of the Dunlop...
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The State-owned Irish Steel Co., Ltd„ is to build a sheet-rolling Safe-driving awards have, been presented to 1,090' drivers of...
T HE revised programme for the 50th Annual Conference of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association at Eastbourne is as...
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E VERY anti-Socialist candidate in the General Election was sent, last week, a . resolution on denationalization passed...
held a meeting at Torquay last Friday and received the resolutions passed by the delegates. These were referred back to the...
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Able to Exploit Tractor-trailer Operation, Rockware Glass ,Ltd., has Evolved Special Methods of Handling Loads B OTTLES and...
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TO enable an accurate check to he kept on the progress of up to 150 repair jobs a week, Rootes, Ltd., has installed in its...
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By Janus S OMETHING out of the ordinary might be expected when the Ivory Tower sturnlions the.Press to hear a proclamation and...
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Incorporating Various Improvements, New Vehicles are Now Being Delivered to the Civil Defence Corps for Training Rescue...
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A Comparison of the Bus Operations of Barrow-in-Furness and Lytham St. Asi Armes Reveals Interesting Similarities as well as...
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A RECENT addition to the range of 1 – % equipment made by Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd., 5, Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, is a...
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Speaking to the London Branch of the LT.A., the Northern Licensing Authority Reviewed the Effect of Transport Legislation...
T HE formation of a state transport corporation is under consideration by the Government of Mysore. Mr. K. T. Bashyam, Minister...
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THE article entitled " Why Oil is Not Just Oil" by 1 P. G. Tucker in "The Commercial Motor," dated October 5, is well written...
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46 HE drum brake will be with its for a long time to come, and future development will centre on employing shorter brake...
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Reckoning Depreciation "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Explains, with Examples, how this Item can best be Dealt with by...
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THE high-frequency induction system .1 of hardening is seen at its best in dealing with a complex structure such as a camshaft,...