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M ANY reputable operators are perturbed by the difficulty of controlling drivers when away from home. It seems that they can...
Many Traffic Problems Discussed qomE idea of the variety of road traffic problems 1 -/ can be gained from the fact that at the...
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That savings are our seed corn for the future, but penal taxation is eating this. That " gold-plated " windscreens carrying...
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By a Special Correspondent T HE setting up of an international fund to reward the winners is an obvious requirement towards...
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I -1 A , CLAIM that in North-east Scotland, the British Transport Commission habitually failed to give the Licensing Authority...
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sales promotion manager of the tractor division of David Brown Industries, Ltd. MR. H. W. HEYMAN, managing director of Smith's...
THE Transport Tribunal on Monday I dismissed an appeal by the British Transport Commission against the grant of a B licence by...
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" W HEN the amount spent on hiring other vehicles reaches one-third af the amount carried by your own fleet, it has reached a...
A NaPPlication.for additional vehicles for excursions and tours run from Weston-super-Mare was last week granted to Burnells...
A RENTAL plan for new vehicles and plant costing £400 or more has been introduced by Bowmaker, Ltd., Bowmaker House, Lansdowne,...
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A N" Alice through the lookingglass "situation was how Mr. S. W. Nelson, chairman of the Western Traffic Commissioners,...
N.Z. Economy : The Stationery Office have published an economic survey of New Zealand at tOs. Dunlop for India: A Dunlop tyre...
B ECAUSE fewer people were Using their buses, a fare increase introduced in February had yielded £200,000 less than was...
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"WHEN Mr. W. J. Abbott, of VV Hawthorn, near Corsham, applied to the Western Licensing Authority last week for a B licence to...
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or not to take ill over the town bus services at present run by the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., was taken by Swansea...
T HE borou g h en g ineer, Mr. E. C. Whitaker, said at Bournemouth last week that the council wanted to attract private, cars...
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A N Oldham coach operator's "Jekyll and Hyde tactics" were referred to at Oldham County Court last week, when Harry Stott was...
on Town Service THEY could Hot tolerate the I operation of expensive vehicles that were carrying no passengers, Mr. F....
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I T was a dangerous principle to say that because the railways could not and do not put coal in bags,' the abstraction of...
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T WO new dairy vehicles, one a battery-electric and the other an oil-engined chassi s, and a pedestrian-controlled fork-lift...
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T IlvIE wasted at garages. in manhandling canisters, crates of bottles and so on when deliverine consignments of lubricating...
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DEFORE the new Severn Road ware house of Aber-Carriers (1954), Ltd., Welshpool, was completed some two months ago (it was...
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Hauliers—Mr. R. Morton Mitchell Broadly, legislation affecting road hauliers has been introduced to give rights, claims and...
A S the greater part of the holiday period fell in August, both output and exports during that month were lower than in the...
R ENTING plans for vehicles have 1 .‘ been introduced by the Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd., 246-250 Regent Street, London, W.1....
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Decision Reserved on Opposing Bids for Trips from Holywell : Sale of Licence "Breach of Traffic Act" F AILURE of a North Wales...
B ECAUSE of increasing congestion in the summer, buses for Abergele must all go from Market Street. The chief constable of...
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T HE Tatra factory at Koprivnice. Czechoslovakia, is preparing to replace its 10-ton Model 111, seen at Earls Court in...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. I T is significant that Utrecht, which is the central city of Holland in more ways than one,...
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The Young Idea By The Hawk I T is good to see young men following in their fathers' foot steps in transport and taking an...
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speed limit for heavy goods vehicles may be akin to the perennial delight of the public in the type of variety show where the...
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D ES1GNED in close collaboration with engineers of the British Broadcasting Corporation, nine vehicles are being built by...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, M.I.Mech.E. A N old Bedford petrol-engined tractor is available as a spare . to replace any of the...
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A CAR with seating accommodation for a crew of five, and having good visibility, is a feature of a Mark 6T Pyrene airfield...
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Is It Wise? M UCH interest has been aroused as the outcome of the news paragraph which appeared in The Commercial Motor dated...
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P ATENT NO. 756,026 shows a suspension system in which the spring resistance automatically increases with an increase of load,...