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There is, we think, reason for congratulation with regard to the more responsible expressions of opinion that were forthcoming...
" I can't tell you exactly what it costs us. Probably a good deal more than the old horsed vans, but, of course, it does more."...
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The Motorvan Parade of 1913, which is fixed to take ,place on Whit Monday, the 12th May, will form an important prelude to the...
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We may perhaps be excused if we inform our readers that we have been the recipien s of quite a number of unexpected...
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Interesting Tests Made by Brown and Sharpe. Professor William H. Kennerson, of Providence, R.I., recently presented before the...
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A 30 h.p., Tillings-Stevens petrol-electric bus will be shown at the Exhibition of Tramway Appliances to be held from 24th to...
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A Special Report of the Conference of Local Authorities at Richmond last Week. conference of local authorities in the western...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. Some interesting particulars of the way in...
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Many of our readers will call to mind the fact that we gave publicity in February last to an illustrated description of the...
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The Borough Engineer of Kensington has quoted to his council figures relating to the cost of running a steam wagon for a period...
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We are enabled to describe and illustrate a promising type of combined self-starting and lighting gear which has been...
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busy a man he may be, to take a stenographer about with him from town to town. I have seen it done in odd cases, but there is...
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" Licks Horse Delivery Hollow" Says an Official. . If a list of the most enterprising business people in the country were...
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July, 1913. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1077] Sir,—That commercial-vehicle show date is fixed at last, I see, but...
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Driver's Bonus System Wanted. [2029] " NAIREY " writes :-" The company for whom I act are running several four-ton petrol vans...
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Sound Sense and a Little Humour Bearing on the Industry. What Battle Says To-day-- When such a conservative body as the...
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Drivers and Mechanics. TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for...
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• Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the.United Kingdom by the Sale Branch, Patent...