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I T IS not incorrect to assert that the motor vehicle since the war has entered upon quite a new phase of its history. The era...
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XBKS 7 Of those. who prefer the shady side of Bond Street. That its almat a case of mark time in Germany. That Crueoe had...
It takes allsorts to make up a coach load, and happy is the proprietor who can arrange the tour to satisfy all tastes....
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficullie3 of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Effect of the Finance Act of 1922 upon the Amount of Licence Duty Payable. T HE dual-purpose motor vehicles to which these...
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M ANY have been the trials and tribulations of those designers and manufacturers who took upon their shoulders the production...
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A Suggestion for the Revival of a Very Early System of Steering Road Vehicles and for its Modernization in Order to Effect...
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The Value of the Motorvan for the Transport of Fragile Confectionery Goods. T "EMOTOR delivery van is playing an important...
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T HE name of Berliet ranks amongst the foremost of French motor vehicle manufacturers, and in this country vehicles of this...
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The Stronach-Dutton System of Transp which Run on Tracks Alongside Jse of a Tractor, the Driving Wheels of lus Obtaining...
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Are Some of the Coach Fares, Now Being Quoted, Remunerative ? Do Coach Owners Realizethe Extent of Their . Costs ? I T HAS...
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The Latest Doings and Development's in the Bus and Coach World. THE LATE-SEASON LONG-DISTANCE TOUR. Blackpool Owners Offer...
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By W. Frank Beesley ,(1Vanaging Director of the South Midland Touring and Transport Co., Ltd., Oxford). F OR some...
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T HIS feature, which has, according to the many appre.ciative letters we have received, proved invaluable to motor coach owners...
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Why Certain Authorities Favour the Flexible Means of Passenger Transport. T HE RELATIVE merits of the motorbus and the tramcar...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all sUbjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to 'Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. C ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page...
A shock awaits the mechanic who, while overhauling a J-type Thornyeroft, attempts to dismantle the spring leaves in order to...
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Our Driver and Mechanic Readers Contribute a Few Useful Hints. 1 T IS astonishing how frequently, even in these days, tail...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. A N ENGINE construction in which the cylinder itself, together with its casing, serves...