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Whatever poets may say, it's gears that make the world go round—gears ao mall that they would fit into your waistcoat pocket,...
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Show Reveals Tendency Towards Greater Economy of Operation at Home and Overseas D URING the next nine days, the British...
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R EALIZING that it may be many years before our roads can be redesigned and rebuilt to meet modern transport conditions, the...
Works Visits by Owners S HAREHOLDERS in various companies seldom have opportunities of learning much about these except by...
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Of new blue and pink pavements to brighten Moscow. The query: "Does this move indicate a secession from the bright red? "...
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IT was announced on Monday that the Scottish Licensing Authority lhad decided to grant licences to Northern Roadways, Ltd., to...
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A Nappeal against the decision of the Scottish Licensing Authority to restrict the number of duplicate coaches on the...
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the Road Haulage Executive to speed up the handling of traffic at depots were demonstrated at the Battersea Wharf goods station...
C HAIRMEN and members of Executives of the British Transport Commission whose appointments expire on September 30, have been...
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A N allegation that the Scottish Licensing Authority contravened the Road Traffic Act by taking into consideration irrelevant...
W HILST holding various views about denationalization, four speakers in a radio discussion in the Wost Midland Home Service...
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HE supply and export of new and I remoulded pneumatic tyres (both covers and inner tubes) are to be investigated by the...
AfiUNICIPAL operators will have to find another, £1.7m. a year to IVImeet the 7s. weekly wage increase granted by the...
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in Primary or Backing Area ? S HOLILD wasteful competition be discussed in the traffic area from which a primary licence is...
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(OINCIDING with the expected arrival at the Commercial Motor Show of about 1,000 buyers from overseas, the Society of Motor...
A LICENCE to run coaches from Birmingham to Dover between April and November was applied for by Transglobe, Ltd., last week....
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I NTRODUCING the new commercial vehicles and private cars of the Rootes Group, in London, on Tuesday, Sir William Rootes,...
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The Road Haulage Industry of the Future Promises No Easy Money and the R.H.A. Has an Important Part to Play in Keeping...
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Use of Oil Engines Chiefly Responsible for Increase in Primary Weights : Greater Load Should be Transferred to Rear Axle :...
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Some of the Difficulties that have been Overcome and the Methods Used in Selling Commercial Vehicles Overseas By D. E. Gough O...
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inside By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher Strict Rules Govern Exhibitors and Enhance the Dignity of the Show . for the Benefit of...
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Engine Position is the Major Influence in Deciding the Shape of a Public Service Vehicle: the Author Assesses the Value to the...
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F EATURED in the Scammell exhibits at Earls Court is the new Constructor six-wheel-drive chassis, which is built to carry an...
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Treasury Against Tax M.P.T.A. Conference Delegates Discuss Transport Economics and Experiences with Trolleybuses I T was...
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By L. Bolandard I NTERNATIONAL coach services are a new and special form of road passenger transport. This type of .service is...
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When May Witnesses of an Accident Claim Damages for Shock? By Our Legal Adviser Essentials in Continental Long-distance...
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Co-operative Working Will Keep Hauliers Out of a Jungle of Merciless Competition, but Llie Idea Cannot be Spread Without Strong...
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A Simple Method of Keeping Track of Costs that Are Not Incurred Directly in Running Vehicles T HERE are two aspects of...
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O BSERVERS with no axe to. grind may well be puzzled at the angry squabbles now taking place on such matters as...
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WHEN I was studying the Transport Bill I found it necessary to obtain a copy of the Vehicles (Excise) Act, 1949, in order to...
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British United Traction, Ltd., 14, Hanover Square, London, W.I. T HE two most popular chassis in the B.U.T. trolleybus range...
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Weight saving by detail modification, coupled with the employment of welltried component parts, is the basis of the new Daimler...
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B.T.C. Stand 100 British Trailer Co., Ltd., Farm Lane, London, S.W.6. 197 IS concern is showing its Air1.v, 50-seater...
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LIVE different types of trailer and semi-trailer, amongst which is a 9-ton hopper semi-trailer designed for handling bulk...
A NEW model that can be seen in the demonstration park, but not in the Show building at Earls Court, is the Atkinson LPM.744H...
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L ARGER and more capacious bodywork weighing less than ever and showing signs of having been designed from the beginning for...
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O PERATORS sometimes assert that there is little to choose between one make of tyre and another. In an oblique way, this is a...
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Six Papers Presented to Cardiff Conference : Dissatisfaction With Roads and Bus Regulations A gramme was full pro amme was...