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Evidence continues to come to hand that England must lose no opportunity to keep commercial motors in the forefront. A movement...
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Motor buses will take the place of horse buses on May 1st on Fifth Avenue ; New York. This will mean removing the last of the...
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The appointment of a successor to Mr. Basil H. Joy is now under consideration by the committee of the A.C.G.B. and I. The...
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Messrs, the Ivel Agricultural Motor Co., Ltd., of Biggleswade, 13edfordshire, and 45, Great Marlborough Steeet, W., are making...
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By John H. Dyer. The horse-dealing trade is in itself a great industry and a source of profit first of all to the farmer who...
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Prove that Four Motor Omnibuses can do the work of Three Electric Trams. A report has come to hand this week containing...
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Official Results that Cannot be Overlooked. The Postal Service of Great Britain is occasionally blamed for not keeping abreast...
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A Survey of Improvements in Construction for Heavy Work. Everyone with practical experience of motor vehicles of the heavier...
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It may confidently be stated that the motor has every prospect of figuring largely in that great commercial in dustry—the...
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Our illustration shows one of two similar motor vehicles recently sent to Burmah by Messrs. Brown Bros., Ltd., of Great Eastern...
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One of the earliest uses to which the motor vehicle ought to have been applied was in the direction of ambulance work. It is...
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Mr. Jesse Ellis. A buoyant and characteristic personality who is ever popular with all he meets, Mr. Jesse Ellis would indeed...