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T HE " spares " situation is becoming critical and this in connection with some of the products of our leading makers....
Horses Were Heavy on Fuel THE romantic picture of the stage coach tends A somewhat to overshadow the important place occupied...
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Someone saying: "Where else would you expect to find an Australian engine but down under?" That with postage and telephone...
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9 .(4) WITHOUT CONVICTION A T Bristol on Monday, Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, r -k said he would not be...
f - IN an appeal by the British Trans port Commission the Transport Tribunal on Tuesday deleted a vehicle granted to Mr. C. H....
T HE foundation of what may eventually be a long-distance hauliers' functional group of the Road Haulage Association was laid...
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A MOTION protesting against the decision of the National Joint Industrial Council for the road passenger transport industry,...
1-1, A SUGGESTION that all bus opera tors should be allowed provisionally to increase fares up to 10 per cent. in advance of...
and 7-ton models, the British Motor Corporation have introduced a 4-tonner powered by the B.M.C. 3-4-litre oil engine. This...
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MR. I. S. HORABIN has been appointed sales manager of Harold Andrews Sheepbridge, Ltd. MR. R. D. Mitt.Alt has taken up his...
THE Traders' Road Transport Asso ciation and the London Transport Executive are to oppose an intended application by Romford...
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By Our Parliamentary Correspondent E XPERTS at the Ministry of Transport were examining the possibility of allowing buses to...
A PPLICATIONS by two operators . 1-1 . in respect of express services between Newark and Scarborough in the summer were, on...
A STRETCH of concrete road has been built for Nottinghamshire County Council by John Laing and Son, Ltd., by a new method...
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T HE present Minister of Transport was heading the right way to join the Cabinet, because of his courage and resourcefulness,...
were turning a blind eye to breaches of the law on drivers' hours, stated Mr. W. Scholes, of the Transport and General Workers'...
A N interesting adaptation of the standard Key-Leather combustion heater has been fitted by Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., in...
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R EPRESENTATIVES of a numbet of local authorities in the north who recently unsuccessfully opposed an application for higher...
I N connection with the . advisory ser vice on vehicle maintenance given - by the West Midland Division of the Traders' Road...
S MEET widening, and facilities for 1 .-- ) the movement of traffic in London attracted more traffic which, at present. was...
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T HE design and research departments of F. Perkins, Ltd., are working on new engine designs and "studying other new forms of...
M AGISTRATES at Alriwick deferred their decision last week when Frank Ward, Wolsingham, Co. Durham, was charged with using an...
Federation of Master Cotton Spinners Associations and the Northwestern (Eastern) Area of the Road Haulage Association for the...
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ELATIONSHIPS betweenghe Road N. Haulage Association and the National Association of Furniture Ware , .housemen and Removers...
DAY adjustments have been made I for road transport workers in many fields. British Road Services have agreed to an increase...
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"THERE is no reason why a vehicle should be treated as if it is a homing pigeon which must occasionally go back to the place...
THE overall advantage to passengers was stressed by Mr. T. G. Davies, general manager, when the Western Welsh Omnibus Co.,...
T WO company directors, convicted of using a lorry with inefficient brakes,' successfully appealed in the Queen's Bench...
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T HE premier award in the second British Coach Rally, held at Brighton last week-end, went to a 19 5 6 Bristol-E.C.W. 32-seater...
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By C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. F OR many years, Rotherham was known for its fidelity to electric traction. The through tram...
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IN iecent years close attention has I been directed to the production o' moulded clutch and brake facings, consisting...
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Hit B.I.F. W HETHER or not Mr, J. I. Yates, chairman of the management cornmince of the hardware section of the 13ritish...
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overloading can be prevented by using a safety valve. The prototype has a lifting height of 6 ft., but models will be available...
• Conveyancer Fork Trucks. Ltd., Liverpool Road, Warrington (Stand D 717 and 616). Fork trucks and attachments. R. H. Corbett...
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Contributions by Medical and Traffic Experts to Discussions on Papers Read to Ergonomics Research Society : British Drivers...
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Dr. W. F. Floyd, who later read a paper on the psychological considerations which should influence design, said that - Prof....
" THE importance of knowing the I conditions under which hauliers are prepared to carry goods cannot be too strongly stressed,...
A SIDE-LEVER grease gun that can exert a pressure up to 10,000 psi. has been made available by Ch. J. Neuman, Ltd., 445...
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L'OR the bulk transport of Albatross motor scooters, the makers, Dayton Cycle Co., Ltd. Park Royal, London, N.W.10, recently...
TWO heavy materials-handling units, machines of a elasS which hitherto have been imported, have been completed by Greenwood...
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By John F. Moon, General Interest in Current Turin Motor Show is• High, but Viberti Monoplast Coach is Most Promising Newcomer:...
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Early Success of Oxycat Predicted WE have read with interest the article, "'British "-Operator Tries Exhaust Cleaning," by "...
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T O the extent that It represents a compromise acceptable to moderate politicians of all parties, the Transport (Disposal of...
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EE XCLIRS1ONS and tours were operated at the discretion of the licensee, and it was not a good proposition that they should be...
St. lielens Corporation are to purchase sin ,\.L .C. chassis. Stockport Corporation are recommended to prnrelia,i a Lewin...
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"No User of Transport Need Fear That the Cost of Using Hauliers Services Is Expensive," States "The Commercial Motor" Costs...
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A LTHOUGH four-wheeled double-deckers rA 30 ft. long may not legally be operated in Britain until July 1, their construction is...
I NGENIOUS collapsible gates make for easy loading and unloading from,the sides and rear of articulated vehicles being used by...
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IT is possible for a compression' ignition engine, in certain circumstances, to run backwards by drawing in air from the...