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The report and balance-sheet of the London Power Omnibus Company, Limited, to which we refer in detail elsewhere, are not, at...
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Are we right in the designs which are being followed, so universally, for commercial vehicles, and, in some cases, for...
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By Douglas Mackenzie. The great advances made in the construction of silent motor omnibus have been noticed by everyone. The...
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A Light Delivery Van Chassis constructed for Reo Motors, Limited. A new chassis, now being marketed in this country for...
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Society of Motor Omnibus Engineers: Third Meeting of Second Session. The Chairman, Mr. F. C. A. Coventry, said that, before...
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This journal enjoys a valuable and exclusive circulation ; its sale is not forced in useless quarters. The article on design...
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The latest addition to the different types of motorbuses in the metropolis is the t907 Fiat chassis. The new pattern departs in...
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The month of December, Igoe, has seen a considerable step made in the increase of London's travelling facilities : it was...
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Mr. Thomas Clarkson's Reply to the Discussion on his Paper. One had to wait until the last of the three meetings of the...
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Engine-bed Oil. "T.D." (Ipswich).—" Will any driver tell me the best oil or grease to use in the engine Ded of my swam wagon?...
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LIJBWICATOR.—Farkas and Another. —No. 13,288/06, dated under Convention 3rd January, 1906.—The tappet member (c) for the valve...