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• H AULIERS are becoming increasingly anxious about the relative ease with which vehicles may now be transferred from C-hiring...
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for the dissolution of the Road Haulage Disposal Board and their anomalous task is now almost at an end. They have laboured...
Encouraging Workers' Suggestions IDEAS from workers are usually looked upon as a I valuable factor in increasing production...
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That speed is definitely important for snow clearance if we are to maintain the speed of industrial transport. That reference...
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BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT F OLLOWING urgent representations made in previous debates, . important changes in the...
WHEN British Road Services, Ltd., VV Preston, applied to the NorthWestern Licensing Authority on Monday for a licence for 20...
A N appeal has been lodged by Reed Transport, Ltd., the transport company of the Reed paper-manufacturing group, against the...
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BY . OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT J\ , MENDMENTS to the Road Haulage Disposal Bill made in the 4-1 House of Lords were...
A RGUMENTS that the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., were in a strong financial position, and that a recent fare increase was not...
M OVING the Road Haulage Disposal Board Abolition Order in the House of Commons last week, Mr. H. Molson, Joint Parliamentary...
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T HE British Transport Commission railway freight charges scheme was confirmed, with some modifications, by the Transport...
SIR VIC] OR MALLET has succeeded LORD GLYN OF FARNBOROUGH as chairman of the Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd. MR. G. WILLIMONT...
T HE Transport Tribunal, in Edinburgh on Tuesday, dismissed a joint appeal by the British Transport Commission and five...
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T HE hearing by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority of applications by Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., for 34 additional excursions...
Transport Commission against the grant by the Scottish Licensing Authority of a B licence to Messrs. George Wilson and Son,...
VUE regret to record the deaths of TT MR. G. A. GILLARD, COL. A. G. MCDONALD, MR. BERNARD HACKETT, COL. .1. A. COLE, MR....
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A RESOLUTION by the licensing committee on the transfer of vehicles from C-hiring margins to A licences was considered on...
L' 1G HT underpasses and fly-overs La were scheduled for construction in London under the road programme for four years ending...
W/HEN D. Tarren (Transport), Ltd., / IV Thornaby-on-Tees. applied to the Northern Licensing Authority for permission to run...
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'THE North Western Deputy Licensing L Authority at Preston, last week, granted Brewer and Turnbull, Ltd., Blackpool, a...
A NEWCOMER was granted a B 1 - 1 , licence by the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority at Leeds last week, after he had been...
A FTER calling W. B. Ovenden and Sons, Ltd., Bury, in front of him to inquire into their conduct as hauliers, the North Western...
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T HERE was a clash on matters of principle between Hanson's Buses, Ltd.. Huddersfield, and the one-vehicle firm of Star...
A FTER he was refused a new A licence by the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority at Preston, last week, the applicant. Mr....
I -1 A FINE of LIO was imposed upon Nottingham Corporation by the local magistrates last week for using a lorry in a dangerous...
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A NOTTINGHAM bus conductor, ." who was summoned for failing to take reasonable precautions for the safety of passengers after...
RARE increases designed to yield an I extra 15,500 in a full year were, last week, granted to the Mexborough and Swinton...
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'ommon Sense By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. I INTERCHANGEABILITY o f components is likely to be of the greatest value to users...
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S UPPORT for the North of England eliminating contest at Leeds last Sunday in the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition came...
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Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. Questions Hauliers and Traffic Managers on the State of Competition and Finds : SQUAT figure with...
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A FALLING-OFF in the number of ex-British Road Services vehicles changing hands is revealed in the seven areas covered this...
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Devil's Advocate By JANUS Q UOTATIONS are sometimes difficult to pin to their authors. For example, who wrote the following?...
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By Alan Smith C ONTROLLED by two-way radio, the fleet of Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Colchester, is managed by progressive...
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—R OAD transport is mainly an engineering problem and we believe that many. if not most, of the road accidents today are due in...
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Midlands Haulage Company, with Definite Ideas About Design Suitability for Practical Considerations, Favour Big Bodies By P....
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E LEVEN Leyland vehicles have been shipped to Yugoslavia where they will be used to carry frozen edible exports of that country...
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Greater Power: Greater Profit M ANY of us who sell British commercial vehicles overseas were pleased to read Mr. P. A. C....
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Developments of Note for the Transport Executive and Engineer ‘V HETHER the reclamation of a component is economic will depend...
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Specialized Knowledge Required in • Selecting Suitable Vehicles: 3-tonners Desirable for Dealing with Small but Urgent...
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DOWER-ASSISTED steering is now offered as 1 an optional extra, on all Big Bedford models. The Girling hydraulic system is used,...
T HE first Umbrella garage to be erected with a main span of 105 ft., evolved by E. H. Smith (Westhaven), Ltd., Acocks Green,...
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A NOVEL way of securing a cylinder to its crankcase or to its head is shown in patent No. 750,006, by Kelston Engineering Co.,...