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T HE Ministry of Transport's current campaign against diesel-engined vehicles which emit excessive black smoke is in danger of...
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Sann hofield W HEN one night, a good many years ago, young Samuel Schofield had time to spare and stepped into a commercial...
THE feat of Mr. J, C. Martindale, of Pease Transport, Ltd., in winning for the fourth year in succession Class C of the Stoke...
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T HE map published by the British Transport Commission last week bowing the density of passenger traffic m British Railways...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A A T a meeting last week the joint transport committee of the Labour Party and the T.U.C....
F EARS that the implementation in October of the Benelux plan to standardize vehicle weights and dimensions regulations might...
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Mr. Giles Newton, chairman of the Cape Asbestos Co., Ltd., retired on medical advice on July 20. He is 71_and had been managing...
vuE regret to record the deaths of PP Mr. Robert E. Alexander, Mr. C. G. Armstrong and Mr. Edward Boydell. Mr. Alexander, who...
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ETWEEN noon and 2 p.m. is the period when the lorry driver who :ayes his loaded vehicle unattended in .,ondon is most likely...
— IN Tuesday the Tribunal partially -I allowed an appeal by H. B. Ashby ad Sons, Brookland. Kent, against a ecision of the...
WHEN Sir Hubert Hull completed his VV last appeal hearing as president -of the Transport. Tribunal on Wednes,day, tributes were...
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A PILOT distribution scheme ha S been launched in Scotland by S.G.F. (Trading), Ltd., a co-operative group buying and...
I T was revealed this week that A. Packham and Co., Ltd., specialists in the handling of " smalls" in London, the Home Counties...
F OR the first time in this country 'I York Trailer . Co., Ltd., are offeri to British commercial vehicle operat a trailer...
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R ESEMBLING certain current Continental types more than contemporary British designs, a highly inspired 36-ft. x 8-ft. 2.5-in,...
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B 1RMINGHAM CORPORATION TRANSPORT are to purchase 300 Daimler Fleetline front-entrance, doubledeck, rear-engined buses over the...
I N a written decision the West Midland Traffic Commissioners have granted an application by the Potteries Motor Traction Co.,...
A N interesting experiment in coaching communications has been introduced by Edinburgh Corporation Transport Department, using...
THE Yorkshire Traffic Cornmissicners • in Leeds last week heard of complaints regarding the operation of a bus service between...
TRADING profit of 141aidsione an I District Motor Services. Ltd., for th year ended March 31 last was down o the previous year,...
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T RE managing director of Spinks Transport Co., Darlington, Mr. itanley Spinks, was granted the renewal if his A licence by the...
O NE of the highlights of the stand of Mercedes-Benz (Great Britain), Ltd., at The Commercial Motor Show, will be an...
application by Ellis Air Services, Ltd., in Glasgow last week to run a twice-weekly service of chartered buses between the...
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11‘' OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT WORK an the Transport Bill ended last VI' week when the Commons agreed to thc amendments...
A T ECHNICAL report from the British and French officials studying the proposals for a cross-Channel link not necessarily be...
t.1 modern standards" between th Scottish industrial belt and the Midland! London and the Channel ports in th next few years...
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a - Winner (fETHODS for arriving at the overall 1. winner of the Leeds round of the Try Driver of the Year competition re...
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I N the championship event of the Leicestershire and North Midlands area .eliminatirig centre at Melton Mow7 bray on Sunday,...
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'HERE is no doubt that the second day of the Woolwich contest was a :at success. In response to urgent peals by the organizers,...
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SCIENCE IN ROADSIDE SMOKE CHECKS A T what point does the emission of diesel smoke become sufficiently serious to be liable to...
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O N August 1 the regulations permitting the maximum dimensions of public service vehicles to be 36 Et. long x 8 ft. 2+ in. wide...
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S part of a wide,ranging study :of noise, the Government-sponsored mmittee . under the Chairmanship . of Alan Wilson have now...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT Q PERATORS 'who are apprehensive about the Wilson report .,On Vehicle Noise will have a...
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A N important new range of lightweight four-, sixand eight-wheeled . goods chassis is officially announced today by Atkinson...
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Prformance Retained By John F. Moon A.M.I.R.T.E. B ECAUSE of the current—and in many ways commendable—trend to increase...
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W Midland Commissioners Grant "Unreasonable" Fares TH E fares application by I. T. Whittle and Son, of Kidderminster, recently...
The Sanderson Appeal in Retrospect THE . Transport -Tribunal, hearing I the • recent appeal by Arthur Sanderson (Great...
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' B Y way of a change, operators may have breathed a sigh of relief at the news that an application has come from the trade...
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Electric Trucks One of the new Wrigley batteryoperated trucks. Capacity is 25 cwt. .1 - 3. A NEW range of battery-operated...
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THERE were objections from 10 haul "age contractors when R. G. Tait of 1-laydon Bridge, Co. Durham, applied to the *Northern...
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The reason for the segregation of the expenditure incurred in the operation of a commercial vehicle is examined here, together...