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Court ruling on the lorry ban by the Greater London Council was both swift and predictable. It is bad news not only for...
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19lo s ing the inch war UNILATERAL action by Belgium and the Netherlands on lorry widths threatens British fridge hauliers,...
THERE WILL be no let up in Cambridgeshire Police's campaign against illegal operators, hauliers were warned last week....
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by Karen Miles OPERATORS could face bills of around £400 — whether or not the Greater London Council's lorry ban comes into...
THE RESPONSE to ol peal for convoy leadei the Sudan relief operatic been as fruitful as w pectecl. Within hours. c announcement...
TIPHOOK, the group which includes Central Trailer Rental, went ahead with its belated Stock Exchange listing last week. The...
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,VO'S F6 and F7 ranges be replaced with a new -J range in Britain this rm. New options at 12 14 tonnes gross weight ilso be...
ni HSE HEALTH and Safety :utive has issued two iption certificates for fled petroleum gas cylin:ransport. l . tificate One of...
GOVERNMENT is reing the recent changes in ,r goods vehicle operator ing to see if the burden )erators could be eased. a White...
ONE OF BRITAIN'S leading horsemen, Robert Lemieux, is to use a Ford Cargo 0813 horsebox on his tour of British events this...
ALMOST HALF the operator licence applications in East Anglia are being rejected first time round because the local...
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has been thrown into total confusion, with York chairman Fred Davies complaining that it is turning into a "smash and grab...
It is part of the U States-owned Gelco Con tion, which wants to cot trate its activities in Am( But failure to secure a enough...
COMMERCIAL vet: dealers and distributors some cause for optimisi last, the latest ICC Info tion Group financial shows. Of the...
THE NUNEATON I park in Warwickshire, v has a licensed bar, is I officially opened on Augt The park has been since the beginning...
EATON, the vehicle co. tient maker, has seen a f earnings during the s( quarter of 1985. It announced net Meer $60m, or $£1.81...
THE GOVERNMEI• coming under some pr from its own back-bet to restrict heavy lorri particular routes in the areas. Two Tory MPs...
PERMISSION for more coal lorries to feed the Didcot, Oxfordshire power station is being requested by the Central Electricity...
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succeeded Arthur Beckenham as president of the Organisation of Teachers of Transport Studies. Jeff Lemon of Wincanton...
SPECIALIST debt recovery company Freight Trades Protection has appointed Peter Wilson as membership executive. He joins the...
A SENIOR academic has been appointed management development manager with the Road Transport Industry Training Board. Dr Mary...
FORMER operations director of Lowfield Distribution, Brian Riley, has joined Longton Storage and Transport of Stoke-on-Trent as...
BRYAN DRIVER, managing director of Freightliners, British Rail's lorry-operating container transport subsidiary, is taking on...
AFTER less than a year as sales and marketing director with Bedfordshire commercial vehicle bodybuilder Tidd Strongbox, Neil...
LORD CHELWOOE been appointed as a executive director of Transport lnternati BET's 1.400 million tut transport company. A Tufton...
MANAGER of United mobile Services' new : Division is to he Smith, currently as traffic manager for No General. His appointmer...
NEW sales engineer for lands Tankers' Midlands is Gloria Willetts. She: previously sales adminis in the company's tanker...
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FISH RAIL must reduce nit costs to compete with I8 tonne lorry, BR chairSir Robert Reid said in annual report published veek,...
RESIDENTS' representations have delayed a decision on a poultry distributor's application to increase his fleet. Ken Roberts...
E LIMITS have been imcl by the South-Eastern lsing Authority after trafarea boundary changes residents an opportunity nake...
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A WEST MIDLANDS company has been fined £50 for failing to keep its vehicles at the operating centre specified on its operator's...
FINES of .£8,200 imposed on Geoffrey Reyner of Droylcsden for drivers' hours and records offences have been reduced to £2,050...
OBJECTIONS and representations against the renewal of the nine vehicle licence held by Birmingham haulier Sheward Brothers were...
DOW FREIGHT Servi( the Stockport company wl specialises in internatic haulage and motor tr distribution, has won a plus...
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,IMS that the Department fransport is planning a or road building proime for London are "fic', according to Transport ister...
A NATIONAL safe driving competition is being launched in the autumn by Bandag Tyre, the retreading manufacturer. The...
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by Bill Brock WILSON double-deck trailers of Perivale, Middlesex is about to produce a 100cum (3,531cult) semi-trailer which,...
THE LATEST positive displacement air blower from Peabody Holmes of Huddersfield combines the benefits of its two existing Types...
THE HANDILOADER, the latest addition to Nottinghamshire-based Sovex Marshall's range of vehicle loaders, incorporates two...
TIDD STRONGBOX of Sandy, Bedfordshire has acquired Cooper Coachworks of Gamblingay, near Biggleswade, from the EPS group....
II IE LATEST Stokvis-La demountable body sysi provides a tipping capab as well as picking up, tn porting and off-loading fa...
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'ED PARCELS has bent evaluation trial of a tan-built Peitz PAL coupled drawbar system to a Daf 2100. York's division is the UK...
ALLIED AUTOMOTIVE, the American parent group of the Bristol-based air brake equipment manufacturer, Bendix, is set to become...
CUMMINS Engine Company had its best ever month in the UK commercial vehicle market in June. Registration figures from the...
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THE DEPARTMENT of Transport is seeking views on a package of coach safety features it wants to include in UK Construction and...
A LONG-ES'FABLI5 Suffolk coach compan been put in the hands o ceiver. Morley's Grey Coacl West Row has suffe series of...
NEW EFFORTS are to be made to cut down coach congestion in London. A Government White Paper on tourism this week acknowledges...
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F. NATIONAL Bus pany showed a sharp imAnent in the pass rate for imual inspection for its les in 1983 over the ous year, Junior...
BY Bus and Coach of an near Sheffield has 5:3.5m order to supply aches to Smiths-HappiSpencers of Wigan. one arc Volvo 1110M s,...
JECT to clearance by its I advisors the Albion ipment Company at iersfield is to change its to Alternative Chassis neering...
A SCOTTISH Bus Group market analysis package of service changes has been scrapped in the face of impending deregulation and...
COACH DRIVERS in Oxford will find life even more difficult in the city as the redevelopment of the Gloucester Green coach park...
PEERS have reinstated the right of existing operators to object to new applicants after deregulation and to appeal against...
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an inauspicious operational trial debut. A remarkable succession of defects led to our having to call out roadside assistance...
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3 RITISH coach drivers operating in Paris and along the autoroutes in northern France could find breakdowns less tiresome if...
RBAR Torque Tools of Banbury rnproved its range of Slimline ae wrenches. specially designed mushroom ed square drive is now...
TO MAKE it easier for service engineers and technicians to find the precise cotter pin for a particular job, KN Products is now...
TAN KSECURE, a device designed to protect bulk storage tanks containing fuel and other valuable liquids from theft, has been...
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FYRE KICKERS Kenning Tyres Services' tyre replacement network handles 5,000 emergency call-outs a year — many of them the...
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At the height of the loose chippings season David Wilcox and photographer Colin Sowman share a day in the life of a mobile...
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"THE FINNISH administration is to be credited for having understood that to harass,and discourage road transport is not the...
The Geneva-based International I Transport Union (lRU), seeking to promote the creation of a Europe-v dimension to coach...
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if the suspension and is not ded to prevent the collapse of the when a coach overturns. These also to be the people who give...
of Mechanical neers to hold an international erence on the subject next March. It ,arly designed for the one-time 'ring...
White, the driver of :ral Scottish Omnibuses' HamiltonLrk route, and his passengers, were up by a pair of latter-day waymen....
along the MI and on waste land around Spaghetti Junction on the M6 to attract rare butterflies.
HE reaction of Ted Hains, a member of the Road Haulage Association's executive board, to the award of the OBE was typical of...
I1E GOVERNMENT did not need the electors of Brecon and Radnor to tell it that it was unpopular. Its Bill to deregulate bus...
should at least be as quick and painless as possible. The Mersey Tunnels are the first to have new air-operated barriers that...
test track in Doncaster. Given the present state of the bus industry, with the emphasis on low cost, flexible operations, could...
Training Board's right hand doesn't know what its left hand is doing. Hopefully, it is getting its act together now, with the...
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CHALLENGER Perkins' turbocharged TV8 diesel, driving through a Fuller rangechange gearbox, gives Renault's Dodge G24 tipper...
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A mock traffic court and speakers at different ends of the transport spectrum promise a stimulating FMC now in its 22nd year...
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If potential problems of labour relations can be overcome, apprenticeships could become a thing of the past. Jack Semple looks...