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N THE REPORT of the Departmental Committee of the Board of Trade, which took a large volume of evidence a year or so ago, on...
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That cheap drivers are costly. Of interesting new steamer developments. That a new cover hides a multitude of 'patches. That...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage as by the...
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Adapting an Amac-Sthenos • Gas. A correspondent, the driver of a 2-3ton Austin wagon, which his employers had had converted to...
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T HIS VERY PERTINENT and brief inquiry was made in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR of 4th April; and was supplemented by the further...
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An Important Case to Decide Whether Natural Traffic Development from Horses to Motors Involves the User in the Cost of Road...
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T HANKS TO THE CO-OPERATION of car owners, in addition to War Office activities, progress in regard to volunteer motor...
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By "The Inspector." T HOSE OF US who, from 10 to 20 years ago, chose , to chance the luck of our careers by early becoming...
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A New Steel Barrel Kerbstone Petrol Supply Apparatus, which Facilitates Filling of the Fuel Tank. M . ANY CONCEOS, directly ....
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The Advantages of the Booth Handy and Simple System of Body Construction. Conserving Shipping Space by Dissembling the Body....
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Inclusion in the list of those to whom honours have recently been awarded of the name of Capt. Dennis Bayley, D.L., of Lenten...
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Summer-work for the Tractor Continuing my remarks in recent issues on the subject of other work for the tractor during the...
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G LANCING THROUGH my correspondence at, the office the other morning, I noticed the following words in a letter :—" I will meet...
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By "The Extractor." "Hail to the Chief." "if you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on...
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Speed of Trailers. [4397] (Whalley Range), —A trailer, such as you suggest, is covered . by the patents of the Auto Trailer,...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the fender of the best letter which we publish on, this page7 all others are...
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Austin Agrimotor Spuds. Sir Herbert, Austin, has in ventedan ingenious type of " submerSible " spud for agrimotor wheels. Each...