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N EXT week is one of supreme interest to agriculturists in all parts of England, because during it will occur the famous Royal...
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hirANy people have noted v Ithe huge milk tankers which so frequently pass along our roads, but not all milk travels in this...
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Of toying with tyres. That you can't trap " The Pink Mouse" electrical fault finder. Many complaints aS' to the quality of...
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ROYAL ASSENT EXPECTED AFTER .RJLY 8 I T is expected that proceedings on the Transport Bill will be substantially completed by...
WHEN the Transport Bill came up VI' for the seventh day of the Committee Stage in the House of Lords on Monday, Viscount...
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• AWAY. , ,i_J-OPES that bus ' and heavy-vehicle 1 Operators may have had of obtaining new vehicles in the near future...
G REAT, efforts towards stabilizing rates have been made by the tipping vehicles group of the Road Haulage Association, states...
case, the Appeal Tribunal has agreed that A. Packham and Co., Ltd., Clevedon, Somerset, should be allowed reasonable time in...
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A N interesting exhibition of applications of infra-red heating by gas in industry is now open in London. It is being held at...
MR, H. WATSON and MR. J. K. MACPHERSON have joined the board of West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd. MR. W. E. YATES has been...
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A THREAT to the House of Lords was made, last week, by Mr. Herbert Morrison, as a result of the many defeats which the...
gear assemblies which was found to be rusty on arrival at the Austin works in Birmingham, gave rise to an action for damages...
267 50 379 " TRAFFIC control and accident pre vention should be regarded as of importance equal to that of criminal...
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Bristol branch of the industrial Transport Association will hold a brains trust at the Grand Hotel, Bristol, at 7 p.m. on July...
T HE policy of withdrawing small vehicles and concentrating on large single-deckers and double-deckers has been amply justified...
rIGURES of the world's potential oil resources are onlyestimated and may or may not eventually turn out to be correct. They...
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Petrol-engined Chassis of Conventional Design Added to Range of Albion Goods Vehicles. Girling Brakes Hydraulically Operated...
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Made in Discussions on Two Important Papers Read at M.P.T.A. Conference Last Week L AST week we published a résumé of the two...
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T HE first post-war •Royal Show will be held at Lincoln from July 1-4. To facilitate reference, the exhibits falling within the...
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CO-OPERATION between manufacL , turers of implements and tractors, who formerly functioned almost in separate worlds, is a...
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A MONG the exhibitors of miscelrilaneous components of interest to readers of "The Commercial Motor," the first in alphabetical...
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AesisinhiNed A N active countryside is a big market for industry, and during the war (to take one sphere of activity as an...
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TRACTOR MAINTENANCE By Ashley F. Taylor Experience in the Maintenance of Road Transport Fleets is Used by West Riding W. A...
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NORTHERN COMPANY WORKERS STRIKE U NOFFICIAL strikes broke out last Saturday among company bus operatives in 10 counties in the...
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Too Much Income Tax? A Fifth of the Cost of a New Vehicle and an Annual Amount for Wear and Tear May be Set Against Income in...
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By . Our Legal Adviser List of Exempt Traffics Extended ; Contract A Work Removed from the Bill ; Commission to Prove Case for...
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By the Staff of "Farm Mechanization "'" scientists, Manufacturers and Farmers Work Together in Devising and Improving...