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The annual report of the Commercial Motor Users Association, which body is the heavy vehicle arm of the Royal Automobile Club,...
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Front Mr. Ira Miller, Westfield, Mass, (under date the 15th February) :—" Your 'Overseas Annual 'just ta hand. Allow me to...
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Official List of Entries.—Continued from page 58. Probable Extensive Support by Makers and New Users for the New Vehicle...
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Some Queries Answered. Efficiency Figures from Tests. By Henry Sturmey. I am pleased to learn that what I have had to say...
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(From Our Australian Correspondent.) N.S.W. Roads Grow Worse. So far as New South Wales is concerned, the road question...
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Four-wheel-drive Tractors to be Largely Adopted by the French W.O. No longer surprised to hear of some fresh field in which...
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Very Low Mileage Pays with a North= Country Grocer's Motorvan. It may be broadly conceded that the general running conditions...
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Southport will pay Leyland Motors, Ltd., the sum of 11075 for tile town's second motor fire-engine. The introduction of a...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. The annual general meeting of the Commercial...
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As Bad as the Horse-drawn Petrol Tanks. Why should not pleasure ears be mainly delivered from the factory by motor lorries ?...
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A Digest of the Discussion which Followed the Recent Reading of a Paper Entitled as Above before the Inst. Auto. Eng. At the...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any posts connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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‘EQUIREISI We Direct the Attention of Our Readers to the Fine Series of Photographs, specially taken for the "C..M." at...
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Why Not a Manchester Parade ? The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1191] Sir,—As a. Manchester reader, I cannot help but think...
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Comment and Criticism a the World's Press on Commercial Motors. A Canadian Opening. Winnipeg offers unexcelled possibilities...
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Th.e G.K. Co., Ltd." (Coventry).—In reply to your query as to retreading your cab tires, you should get into touch with...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one ,?enny a line of ten words for anything else...
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CompiLae specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sale Branch, Patent...