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TN our discussions With manufacturers and -Loperators on the subject of the sleeper-coach importance has always appeared to...
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T O perpetuate'the memory of the late Sir James C. Percy, D.L., J.P., one of the leaders in motor journalism, it has been...
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That it's a good plan to Select bad business for the other fellow's book. Mancastrians asking if Leylands are trying to...
She was a light, light van awl he was a dour old' heavy, but the attraction seemed mutual. Despite their drivers' efforts to...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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W HAT is claimed to be one of the largest horseboxes built for service in this country has recently been completed in the works...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets. Steam Wagons Wanted in Cairo. THE...
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The McKenna Duties and the Motor Industry. Rear Lights for Bicycles. Petrol Tax and Food Distribution. Increased Speedlimits...
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A Review of the Different Patterns Employed, in which the Advantages of Each are Clearly Outlined. A S a door is not always...
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Detail Improvements in the Mechanism Making for Longer Runs per Fuel-charge, Easier Starting, Greater Engine Efficiency and...
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TIRESTON, the motorbus capital of Lancashire, is also the headquarters of Ribble Motor Services, -Ltd., an organization which...
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R EPORTING upon a suggestion for increasing taxes on motorbuses; the Bombay Municipal Commissioner statesthat in allowing such...
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Details of the Latest 1-ton Electricar with Worm Gearing and Patented Frame Construction. Q40 great has been the progress...
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Further Details of the International-Dyson Outfit which Permits the Employment of Several Interchangeable Trailers W E...
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Some Bodywork Details. A New Cottin and Desgouttes. Chassis Details. Tractors and Trailers. Tipping Gears. A FEATURE of one of...
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Farnham Urban District Council has granted licences for 11 motor coaches to the Tourists Motor Coaches (Southarapton), Ltd.,...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. A BOON TO MANY KENTISH WORKERS. How the Service of an Eynsford...
A Ministry of Transport Inquiry Follows the Newcastle Corporation's Refusal of Licences. A CARLISLE concern's application for...
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A Report of the Corporation Reveals that the Authority Shows a Definite Inclination to Increase its Motorbus Activities: OME...
A Busy Yorkshire Centre in which Many Passenger Transport Difficulties Have Arisen. A T the present time the passenger tt...
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Brief Details of Developments which Have Followed the Corporation's Agreement with Private Bus Concerns. T HAT the future...
Particulars which Should Interest British Makers Who Fay Attention to this Overseas Market. NEW series series of regulations...
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T BE motor vehicle, in one form or another, has won its way into much favour for a variety of duties associated with the work...
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Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith Enlightens the Woolwich Chamber of Commerce upon the Economic Considerations which have Arisen from...
W E have been aware for a short time past that an organization was being formed for the Production of a time-table giving...
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Possibilities of Obtaining Post Office Contracts. Now is the Time to Consider Christmas Business. O NE of the earliest of...
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T HE necessity for any form of air cleaner is sometimes questioned - when vehicles are destined to work on the comparatively...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the paper only and, preferably, typewritten. The right of...
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A Resumd of Recently Published Patent Specifications. A N interesting invention is described by D. J. Martin, of New York, in...