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R OAD transport, whether it be concerned with the carriage of goods or passengers, is passing through a serious phase....
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Advertisement Which A SMALL advertisement Appears to be Somewhich recently appeared in what Mixed . . . "The Yorkshire Evening...
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A suggestion that Hitler is the reincarnatioii of au antediluvian monster. That such animals were also mostly vegetarians, but...
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HAULIERS GROUPING CO-OPERATIVELY C ONSIDERABLE interest has been .....aroused by the publication of the articles by Mr. E. B...
T HE announcement of the new Government scheme for the ccintrol of long-distance haulage has led, in road-transport circles, to...
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C OMMENTS on what was described as a lack of solidarity among operators doing road haulage work for Bradford Corporation were...
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A REPORT on the development of the propulsion of buses by producer gas as an alternative to liquid fuels has been submitted to...
A PPREHENSION concerning the future of the small operator was voiced during a discussion on the Government's new haulage scheme...
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By " Tantalus " New Scheme for Government Control of Much Traffic May Have Important Repercussions and Full Representation of...
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Continuing His Reply to Charley and Bill, George Deals with Some of the Supplementary Conditions Essential to the Establishment...
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people will agree, as I do, with the I gews' of LYI Mr. E. E. Carter, expressed in the letter frVm him published in your issue...
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Some traffics are better suited to the road, some to rail, others to coastal shipping, and, in future, probably, some to air....
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The Editor Pays a Visit to the Extensive Works of British Indestructo Glass Ltd., and Records His Impressions of the Production...
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QHROPSHIRE Roads _Committee NJ has had a report of the county surveyor upon the condition ol the eight Karrier 4-5-ton petrol...
IT was 21 years ago that two longidistant coach routes of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., were started, but...
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The Influence Exerted by Different Classes of Surf ace and Contour and What Can Be Done to Alleviate Wear on Tyres byModifying...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A/FANS for synchronizing the action iVlof two...