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E - ' 4 LSEWHERE in this issue we publish an article on the Use and abuse of the term "British," in the course of which a most...
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With Men, Matters and Movements. Interesting Tractor Figures. I N THE EARLY months of this year there were complaints of the...
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That not every"discharged badge" is evidence of active service. That there are few of us who couldn't do better than we are...
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By "The Inspector." W ITH PERIODIC4L REGULARITY certain topics crop up in technical papers devoted io our own industry, just...
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The Need for New Laws to Accord with New Conditions. T HE POSSIBILITIES of increasing the economy of road haulage by the...
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slowed by all di f ficulties o f transport at whatever points arisin g , as a carriage by • the rou g hness o f the roads over...
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F OR SOME WEEKS past THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR has been following some interesting experiments which have been in progress by...
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Country's Second Largest Petrol Consumer Embraces NeIN , Movement. In the course of a visit to Bristol by a representative of...
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Hints and Wrinkles to Garage Proprietors on Fitting Out. Adapting the Gas Bag to Deck Lorries. Owners of platform trucks...
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The Use and Abuse of the Term. W E ARE ALL AWARE that the term " British " is frequently abased, and that the motor industry...
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A Brief Description of the G.W.W., Kingsway and Eagle Agrimotors and the Work they Perform. "With the fall of the leaf hailing...
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A Compact, Handy and Efficient Self-contained Emergency Equipment. A handy little fire-fighting machine of the emergency order...
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A Serious Competitor with the Horse : Its Possibilities and Limitations. T IS MERELY in accordance with the way of the world...
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Passing of the Overtype Steam Wagon? The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. L1538 j Sir,--The remarks of " Contributor " in your...
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A PRIZE 01? TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the hest letter Which we publish on 'this -page; all others are...
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Belhaven Rear Axle. It is quite apparent that, whatever may be the after-the-peace position of the chain as a method of final...