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H OW frequently does one hear of excessively 'heavy fines being inflicted upon drivers of commercial vehicles, not so much...
of its new national highways Germany has adopted a traffic-lane control system which would appear so satisfactory as to merit...
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T HE regulations concerning driving licences for heavy goods vehicles are such that it would appear that, unless concerns are...
T HE efforts of the associations to improve their service to members show that those bodies have realized that they cannot...
H OLIDAY contract tickets for a week's unlimited 'rail travel (and in some cases steamer travel) within specified areas have...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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An assertion that one Manchester employee had to work for 16 hours continuously and 941 hours in a week was made by Mr. R....
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Aa interesting review of the licensing position in the West Midland Area was given recently by Col. A. S. Redman, the Licensing...
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D IFFICULTIES that hauliers would experience when their licences came up for renewal were dealt with by Mr. H. H. Lapsley,...
A N ominous warning as to the future of ancillary users was given by Mr. H. N. Letts, Metropolitan Area solicitor, at the first...
A DDRESSES entitled "Road and Rail Problems as They Affect Traders" were given by Mr. Roger W. Sewill, national director of the...
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T HE first paper to be read at the National Road Transport Conference was entitled " Steps That Have Been Taken to Solve the...
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T HE author of the second paper. entitled "The Control of Traffic in Towns and the Open Country," Major Michael J. Egan,...
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T HE subject of the paper by Mr. H. Backhouse, Jour., is a complicated one, as will be realized by the title, "What Amendments...
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A T the fourth session of the Conference, on Wednesday, Col. Arthur Jerrett, transport controller of Lewis's, Ltd., Liverpool,...
T HE discussion on the paper, "Steps That Have Been Taken to Solve the Transport Problems of the Country," was opened by Mr. W....
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THE NEW ALBION ti-TONNER This Latest Model has One of the Largest Pay-load Ratings Among Modern 30 m.p.h. Chassis. A Thorough...
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FIRST NEWS OF BIG IMPERIAL FLYING-BOATS. A FEW details are now available of the fleet of flying-boats which Imperial Airways,...
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STRIKING NEW RANGE The New Ford Tug Launched at Scarborough This Week is an interesting 2-ton Mechanicalhorse Unit. Programme...
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A CLEAR victory for road transport, as compared with the railway facilities, was registered at a sitting in Manchester, on...
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M ECHANICAL and operating efficiency assume particular importance in the case of a big laundry concern on account of the...
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THE Northern Ireland Road Trans1 port Board, 10, Royal Avenue, Belfast, announces that the passenger road services at present...
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H OW two Great Western Railway detectives travelled as passengers on a coach trip was revealed when they figured as witnesses...
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OPEN HULL STATION ? H ULL'S new municipal bus station 'will be ready for opening in about a fortnight's time. At a meeting of...
Birmingham Chamber of Commerce has been formed and, at the inaugural meeting, on September 20, Mr. L. W. Gupwell, chairman of...
C OMMENT on the attitude of the railway companies in objecting to the renewal of a B licence without modification was made...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A HEAVY-OIL engine, in which the carburetted mixture is...