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T HE consideration of the future design of corn various types which must be the Layout of produced to meet the great variety of...
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Some Big Ideas p UYERS of transport in the on the Area of north of England have an London . . . elastic, or perhaps we should...
Hopes of a fresh Burginning. Of a taximan's band booked by the B.B.C. Very little about supplies of fuel for oilers in...
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The New Minister Takes Over H AVING been selected as the new Minister of Supply, Mr. Leslie Burgin hands over the reins at the...
on Business Cars I T is our strong opinion that some discrimination should be made between cars used purely for private pur...
UTANY of our readers will be in1V1terested to learn that Mr. H. Scott Hall, M.I.A.E., M.I.T.A. (S.T.R., The Commercial Motor...
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I. OF T. CONGRESS. T HE headquarters of the Institute of HE Congress, to he held at Southampton from June 14-17, will be the...
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MANY TRACTOR MAKERS TO SHOW AT "THE ROYAL." A LTHOUGH goods vehicles will not be exhibited at this year's Royal Show, which...
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Mobile Showroom O F fine appearance externally and internally, a mobile showroom that incorporates many novel features, and...
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Mr. Sewill's Road-Rail Optimism A LARGE gathering of operators attended a meeting at Southall, last week, to hear Mr. R. W....
H AULlERS in Brighton are in a favourable position, apparently, as compared with those in other parts of the country, in that...
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W HAT he suggested is a serious omission in the goods-in-transit insurance policies which many road hauliers take out for the...
A CROWDED meeting of members PA of the Institute of the Motor Trade in Southampton and district heard S.T.R. (The Commercial...
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for maintaining telephone and telegraph services Well-equipped Tilling-Stevens Mobile Sets, Based on Brockhouse Trailer...
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General Unsettled State of Affairs Continues to Affect Registration Returns, Those for February Being Lower, Once Again, in...
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DRIVERS REQUIRED FOR A TERRI. TORIAL REGIMENT. A LTHOUGH I am sure that you receive many letters on the same lines as this, I...
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for African Goldfields Outstanding Safety Features Embodied in a Fleet of Leylands that Have to Face Difficult Conditions of...
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How the British Protectorate of Uganda Won its - Service of Modern Buses. No accommodation—So Machines Have to be Serviced on...
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reveals ply Tssive traits R EPRESENTATIVE of the new Commer Superpoise range (fully described in The Commercial Motirr for...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT FREE TRAVEL FIXED AT THREE YEARS rrHE publication, last week, by the Minister of .. Transport, of his...
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T HE nature of the acc o mmodation in a double-deck sleeping coach, now in operation from Los Angeles to Chicago, is equal in...
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us "CHEAP AND OFTEN" I ENDED the previous article (in The Commercial Motor dated April 21) at a point in the middle of a...
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in Parliament MINISTRY CONSIDERING LORDS' SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS. T HE Minister of Transport stated in the House of Commons...
A N ingenious filter which both filters the engine oil and cleans it chemically, has been put on the market by Simmonds...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications Obtainable from the Patent Office, Price s. each A SCHEME by which the...