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E VERYONE who knows anything about international trading conditions, and particularly those activities in which this country is...
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T HE i m position of a heavy purchase tax on vans and lorries was a direct attack on the economy and efficiency of our...
NIE - ANS TO YOU Costs Increased by Up to 10 Per Cent. : Associations Expect Fares to Rise CALCULATIONS made by S,T.R., "The...
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MR. ROY WATSON, advertising manager of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., has left for a two-month visit...
A BILL to empower highway authorities to install cattle-grids in public highways was introduced last week by • the Minister of...
A LL records in output and exports were broken by the British commercial vehicle industry in February. Average 'weekly...
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EXPORTS earned .a lower net profit • L4 than home sales, and often entailed some loss, so that a sufficient bicking • of home...
rIVE principal amendments affecting motor vehicles and one concerning bicycles are contained in the new Road Vehicles Lighting...
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WITH the completion of the pro VT posed motorway between Birmingham and Almondsbury, north. of Bristol, it is' estimated that...
OHAIRMEN of two important bus companies — Mr. Raymond W. Birch, of the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and Mr. E. H....
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THE West Midland Licensin g . Authority, Mr. R. Stuart PtIcher, is called to London - last week, probably to obtain guidance...
A T Sheffield. Quarter Sessions, last week. Mr. -1.1; L. Macaskie, K.C., found that a man who was standing within 2 yds. of...
A DDR ESS1NG the Birmingham .:Horse and Motor Vehicle .Owners' Association, last week, Coin. J. Paget of Birmingham Transport...
Min iature U NDER the direction of a Standing Conference' of the British Transport Commissidn, presided over by Sir Cyril...
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Bodybuilders, Compromising Between Traditional and Modem Qiiantity-prodUction Techniques, Retain the Essence of Craftsmanship...
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' chassis' • 'for single deck bodies has bee n Introduced this week by Leyland Mcitors, Ltd.. 1..eytaild, Lancs. The new s e r...
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By Alan Smith S MELTEP metals corrode when exposed to the atmosphere, tending to revert to the state in which they exist...
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IN ) .a•paper - that was mainly historical. Mr. TWidle sii:d that We had good 'reason to be. proud of the achievements of the...
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M R. THURSBY said that the high tradition of coach finish has been maintained throughout the years of progress from the horsed...
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Says P. G. TUCKER B '1 reason of its weight or overall dimensions, or both, an indivisible Load , may present a number of...
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Food Fresh ,n Transit . C . LIM ATES hotter and more extreme than thia. of this country have emphasized. the value of...
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A MERICAN reactions to the display of British commercial . vehicles and components exhibited at the New York Show, from April...
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of this country. In fact, only in recent years has the hobby attained a degree of worldwide recognition, for in the earlier...
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A TIPPING body usually works under conditions in which dust and grit are in plentiful supply. and it is therefore vital to...