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S OME 70,000 Land Girls have subscribed £1,000 as a fighting fund to defray the cost of putting their case before Parliament....
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W HAT is, in our opinion, one of the most ridiculous effects of the rulings concerning the Purchase Tax is that a taxicab, for...
New Russian Porous POROUS glass for building Glass as Material for I purposes has been devel Building taped in the U.S.S.R.,...
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HAULIERS UNITED FRONT AGAINST NATIONALIZATION IT is announced that, in order to secure I a united front in the fight against...
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A N amphibious vehicle, the existence of which has, hitherto, not been revealed, was produced by the Nuffield Organization...
and forge, 'behind a butcher's shop in Harvills Hawthorne, adjoining a tavern, one John Brockhouse with eight men opened his...
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THE following resolution was unani mously passed by the National Council of the P.V.O.A. at a recent meeting: "The Passenger...
A REVIEW of the complete range of Morris-Commercial vehicles just announced shows that practically every class of operator has...
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By "Tantalus" The Labour Government Is Endeavouring to Abolish the Principles of Magna Carlo by Its Nationalization Programme,...
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I AM writing at length about this subject of rates for milk haulage because I feel so strongly about it. Ever since the Milk...
per gallon, for the Board was offering only There, in fact, is the rub. Not one in 20 operators goes before the Board to argue...
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By E. B. Howes, Liaison Between the RHA. and All Other Haulage Associations Makes Unity a Fact as Well as a Word I I HAVE...
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An Interview By S.T.R. Factors Which Have Brought About Economy and Aided the Progress of a North Country Haulier. Some...
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IT would seem from the number of itelephone inquiries that we me receiving 'dative to vehicle brakes, that the police are...
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With Possible Increase in Vehicle Dimensions and Loading, There May be Need to Exploit a New Form of Brake. Our Contributor...
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A CCOUNTS of the Northern Ireland ti Road Transport Board for the year ended September 30 last show an operating profit of...
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ELECTROLYTIC POLISHING One of the Chief Production Bottlenecks at the Present Time is the Shortage of Skilled Polishers. The...
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T HE accompanying illustration shows the Albion AZ.5 chassis, which has been designed for pay-loads up to 30 cwt., the normal...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications Obtainable from the Patent Office, Price Is. Each A CYLINDER-HONING...