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D ESPITE the gravity of The New Year Promises the national and international situation, Economic Difficulties, but Relief...
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T HE Minister of Transport will need all the wise counsel that he can secure in deciding whether to give the Highway Code the...
U.S.A. Cuts Steel for Australia I T is reported that no sheet steel will be permitted to be exported from the U.S.A. to...
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That some lift, but Anthony hoists. Of a Dutch operator employing plastic spring-pin bushes with some success. Hopes that the...
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Say R.H.A. Leaders A SSURANCES that the denationalization of road transport would begin soon were given last week by Mr. Frank...
L EG1SLATION permittin g municipal transport authorities to raise char g es at their discretion is to be sou g ht by the...
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A NOTABLE event concerning the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., and its customers, will take place on January 1, when the company will...
I NDICATIONS that the addition of 61 per cent, to the present charges on express services, excursions and tours would not serve...
C omMERC1 AL -V EHICLE exports in November set up new records in numbers and value. Altogether, 14,298 units, valued at over...
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A N organization similar to the Lawrence pallet pool in America • could be introduced in this country, and industrialists...
MR. H. N. BATES, chairman of Specialloid, Ltd., has resigned from the board and from those of Aero Piston Ring Co., Ltd., and...
WHEN a conductor of Middlesbrongh VI' Transport Department was charged with embezzlement, last week, it was alleged that by...
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Q CTOBER'S output and exports of commercial vehicles were substantially higher than in September. The weekly average of...
O N January 1, new regulations will come into force governing contractcarriage records, the haulage of abnormal indivisible...
A S sheep are immune from tuber culosis, can they be classified with attested animals and carried in vehicles mithorized for...
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L-ROM next Sunday, fares on Glas1 gow Corporation's trams, trolleybuses and motorbuses will be increased. With the exception of...
THE sixth stage of London Trans' port's tram-conversion programme comes into effect on the night of January 5-6. It will be the...
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" T HE best use is not to be made of existing facilities by clinging to obsolete forms.. of transport and suppressing new...
Road Transport Association indicate that the authorities all over the country are adopting the pre-war procedure of checking...
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Political Commentary By JAN US O N New Year's Eve it is not an uncommon experience to walk along a normally quiet street and...
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Climbs 1_ in 4 [ 4 By 1. J. COTTON, M.i.R.T.E. • H AVING failed on a previous —Occasion to climb Succombs • Hill with a...
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I ONG-DISTANCE drivers running between Holland and France have no worries about accommodation en route. Les Routiers, founded...
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Transport Director, Pacific intermc Denver, U.S.A. p REVENTIVE maintenance has enabled my company, which runs 80 lorries, 390...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. I N the first part of this article, which appeared in " The Commercial Motor" last...
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"The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Deals with a Question Raised by a Haulier about to Enter a C-hiring-margin Contract for the...
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\AMR readers may be in danger of assuming that the regrooving of . covers will, in itself, provide an automatically increased...
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I N a conventional needle-valve injectiontion nozzle, the opening forces are always greater than those tending to close it, and...
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CONCLUSION Growth of the Industry During the half century of aluminium's commercial life, the producing industry has expanded...