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W E have always considered ourselves to be part of the commercial-motor industry— and we leave our relative position to its...
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A Reader Gives PubA READER from Exeter licit) , to Unjust Law 1-1 . draws attention to a news Ad m inistration . Paper report...
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That transport strikes may (temporarily) clear the roads, but they seldom clear the air. That financial circles have faith in...
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PANEL FORMED IN GOODS CO-ORDINATION SCHEME. An advisory council of leading operators from every Traffic Area has now been...
request to amend an appeal had been resisted for the respondent rbad operators, at York, last week, the Appeal Tribunal...
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If a C-licence . holder carries goods not used in connection with his own business, although he receives no consideration for...
The annual return issued by the Ministry of Transport, giving statistics of licences for motor vehicles current during the...
CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS "rONSEQUENTIAL loss" is las a familiar exclusion in goods-in-transit policies, but many hauliers may not...
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In the six mouths from April 1 to September 30, 1937, 6,995 buses, vans and lorries were imported into India, contrasted with...
1INERHAPS the only authority on rates on whom hauliers could rely— that was how S.T:R„ The Commercial Motor costs expert, was...
Mit, R. H. DENSHAM is the new chairman of the transport committee of the National Farmers Union. DR. W. D. SPENCER, Ph.D.,...
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A number of decisions by the NorthWestern Licensing Authority in favour of the L.M.S. Railway Co. has been announced...
for Overloading A DECISION of Bath justices that offences against the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations had...
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Application has been made by South Western Transports, Ltd., to , the Southern Scotland Licensing Authority for the " transfer...
what extent a Licensing Author ity should take into account the previous conduct of an applicant was an issue raised before...
all-steel end-tipping lorry, with a capacity of 4 cubic yds., has just been introduced by Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton. The body...
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Alternative Fuels A CTUAL experiences of certain alternative fuels, and views on the possibilities of a number of others, were...
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STYLE IN LAUNDRY VANS T HE laundry trade has always used a van with sufficient headroom. to enable the driver to stand up...
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N O mean part in the measures that are being taken to preserve peace in this country by rearmament is being played by...
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A FTER 15 years spent in selling and servicing tyres, I have come to the conclusion that, as a whole, they do not give more...
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IN its report just published, the 'German Roads Delegation, which a tour
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By A Driver IT RANSPORT operators, other than owner-drivers, are dependent on their drivers, who, in the world of employees,...
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vehicle ',showed a figure that placed it in a higher taxation category, a Wakefield haulage firm have been surcharged...
C.M.U.A. FORMS THREE YORKSHIRE BRANCHES. Last week's recruiting campaign in Yorkshire by the C.M.U.A. was highly successful,...
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increase of 11 per cent. in C-licence machines was, in itself, one of the greatest condemnations of the 1933 Act, said Mr. R....
tion, Forest of Dean Sub-area of A.R.O. is notable as one in which rates for the haulage of coal have been agreed and...
IF the demand of headquarters for a I still larger allocation from subscriptions be pressed, it will be financially impossible...
NAEEKNESS on the part of road aloperators was attacked by Major H. E. Crawfurd, on Monday, at a supper arranged by A.R.O. East...
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A MONGST the many components of a commercial vehicle, whether it be propelled by, a petrol or oil engine, one of the most...
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How to Avoid HIRE-PURCHASE TANGLES (, 4 IRE-PURCHASE business is H at the back of half the troubles in the road-haulage...
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AN APPRECIATION OF S.T.R.'s LECTURES. [5253] I shall be glad if you will send me one of your Operating Costs Record books. As...
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I T is to be hoped that the large gathering of road engineers and other responsible officials representing 115 local councils...
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• Passenger Transport TROLLEYBUS PLANS IN EAST LONDON L ONDON TRANSPORT will make important extensions to its trolleybus...
WHETHER the North-Western IN Traffic Commissioners were right in 'granting an additional picking-up point outside the immediate...
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T 0 save its best-paying bus routes, Edinburgh must spend £100,000 to lower roads under bridges, otherwise double-deck buses...
L AST week, Mr. Walter Elliot, M.P., Secretary of State for Scotland, officially opened the new headquarters of the Road...
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P ATENT No. 476,887, by Juno Corporation, Ltd., 407, McGill Street, Montreal, describes-a fluid , tra.nsmission Of the...