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The real, underlying explanation F the apparent nintorcab shortage in Landon, which causes so grave inconvenience to the public...
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That Lancashire's loss may be Kent's gain. That there was fine weather " somewhere " last week-end. That another unique deal...
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An Account of the MWor-vehicle Organization of the Malay States Railways. By A. E. Meaden, A.M.I.Mech.E. The sharp-pointed...
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The Daimler Company Gives Important Demonstrations at Coventry. An important development. has taken place in the manufacture...
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The Special Committee appointed by the Westminster City Council to consider the whole subject of the use of heavy inotors for...
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The petrol tax has stimulated inventors of carburetters; one of the latest results is described and illustrated on pages 436...
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Horse-cab proprietors in Oldham appear to be still inclined actively to oppose the operation of motoreabs in that town....
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The authority, circulation and influence of this journal rest upon facts. Albion vehicles are on order for the .Aberfehly...
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L.C.C. Eleetries. Front-wheel brakes (Allen-Liversidge pattern) are to be fitted to one of the L.C.C. " Commer-Car " tenders,...
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The general subject of transport in N.S.W. is in considerable prominence at present, owing to the'dreadful state of congestion...
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Very-numerous attempts have been made, from time to time, to secure increased elasticity of action on the part of carburetters,...
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At the meeting of the Fulham Borough Council, on the 20th inst., the Lighting Committee reported haying considered an...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Hiring Motor Lorries. [1,654] " CARDIFF" writes:—" We would be greatly obliged, and esteem it a personal favour, if you would...
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. The Roper Patent Safety Speed ,...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpenee...