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T HE commercial vehicle and appliance have conferred many benefits on the nation and on the individual, but in no direction...
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rtinERE are certain minor points of difference between the Finance Act of 1928 and the Road Traffic Act of 1930 which are...
A CLASS of motor-coach bodywork which deserve more favourable consideration in this country is that providing a few uneovered...
OMPLAINTS continue to be made concerning kJ the conduct of certain members of the mobile police force and the latest example to...
I T is questionable whether the present practice of exhausting at a low level the products of combustion of motor-vehicle...
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"The wheels of wealth will be stowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Interesting information concerning the work of the motor fleet of Liverpool city engineer's department is given in the annual...
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BURNLEY Corporation is buying 14 A.E.C. Regent buses. WAKFFIEI,D Corporation is purchasing a Jowett van costing £150. SHIPLEY...
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R EADERS will be interested in details of the Eleenaway system of house-refuse collection, to which a passing reference is made...
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in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent The London Passenger Transport Bill Approved. T lEIE Joint...
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CLEANSING CONFERENCE A Representative Display of Interesting Vehicles and Appliances at the First Conference of its Kind to be...
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and Bin Washer The Latest Product of a Well-known London Concern Incorporates New Ideas in Loading and Hygiene O NE of the...
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T HE rigid six-wheeler ennversion sets marketed by County Commercial Cars, Ltd., Abbey House, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1,...
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As an Intricate Art 0 N account of its wear-resisting qualities and because a large variety of attractive designs is available...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3474] Sir,—About six firms of contractors throughout the country have equipped themselves...
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of Passenger Transport THE COMMISSIONERS' FORTHCOMING PUBLIC SITTINGS Details Extracted from the Gazettes Published by Area...
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His Reply to Recommendations of the Operators' Committee T N our iisue dated Jane 9th, on page 588, we referred to the...
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An Unusual Application to the Traffic Commissioners for the North-Western Area A FE ATURE ATURE of the sitting, at Wrexham, of...
Commissioners Refused to Grant Licences T HE appeal of Premier Line, Ltd., against the decision of the Southern Traffic...
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Proves Its Worth F OR many years Trojan light vans have been familiar in almost every town and village. One of the reasons for...
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A MONGST the minor difficulties with which the coachbuilder has to contend is that of installing the lighting fittings in the...
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The Second and Concluding Part of an Authoritative Article Which Serves as a Valuable Aid to the Driving and Maintenance of...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Suit the Load to the Vehicle and Work at a Reasonable Profit, or Abandon the Business 0 1 1 all the...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications T HE sparking plug described in patent No. 351,340, by Adolphe Kegresse,...