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W E gather that there is some difference of opinion among the leaders of the industry even as regards the fundamental...
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O N June 16 we published a leading article entitled "Presumption of Guilt ty Court Appearance," in which we stated that the...
A MONGST the most useful sections of the Institution of Automobile Engineers is its Automobile Research Department, and its...
cultural Show . . . and value of road transport in connection with farming should attend during the afternoon of the last day...
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Views that our scheme for a reserve of passengervehicle trailers is essentially sound. That municipal and company rivalry in...
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LICENCE REFUND FOR IMPRESSED VEHICLES. CROM the Ministry of Transport I comes the news that if a vehicle be impressed for...
A T last week's meeting of the Western Regional Committee of the Road and Rail Central Conference, Mr. A. E. Sewell referred to...
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Some Comparative Figures for Opera/it Costs, Which Show that the Oil Engh Might, With Advantage, Be Used for Number of 30...
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Laid Loco Traulier Operates Successfully on Steel-works Siding While Steam Shunting Locomotive is Overhauled A DEVELOPMENT in...
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A Handy Cleansing Machine Equipped with a 1 h.p. Engine, Suitable for Work in Restricted Areas F ROM America we learn of an...
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JRCHASE RATE Solving the Problems of the Carrier Hire purchase Interest Considered in its Relation to the Haulier's Profit and...
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S EVEN new passenger vehicles are being introduced by Commer Cars, Ltd., _ Luton, ranging from a 20-seater luxury coach to a...
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P LANT valued at a quarter of a million dollars has been laid down at the works of the White Motor Co., Cleveland, for the...
Comprehensively Equipped Models With Three Types of Body and Normal or Forward Control the range of goods and passenger...
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A Contributor Argues that a Device to Remove Ferrous Particles from Gearbox Oil is More than a Refinement MO engineer will...
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A T the invitation of Mr. George Rock, M.I.A.E., manager and engineer of Lincoln's municipal-transport undertaking, we paid a...
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The Editor invites correspondence on ll subjects connected with the use of com mercial motors. Letters should be written on...
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Novel Constructional Features of Marked Technical Interest Characterize Latest 18-cwt. Citroen A LTHOUGH front-wheel-drive has...
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How the Business of Messrs. Oldroyd's Road Services Has Been Built-up by Giving Reliable and Efficient Service F "goods...
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ILE SHOP Success is Likely to Attend the Employment of the Travelling Shop or Showroom if Attention be Given to Proved...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT THE RAILWAYS WANT IT BOTH WAYS D URING the hearing of an applicalion at Chester, by Crosville Motor...
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D EADLOCK, regarding the grading of Scotland by the Wages Board, has led to a threat of drastic action, involving more than...
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PAT ON BACK FOR STANDING JOINT COMMITTEE. Monday last saw the annual general meeting of the National Road Transport Employers...
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R OAD camber tends to load twin tyres unevenly, and to prevent this is the object of a wheel design shown in patent No....