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Chancellor of the Exchequer Flooded With Conflicting Views From a Variety of Bodies W E have watched with a feeling almost of...
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The Vital Importance HE existence of terminal of Good Terminal I facilities is a basic factor in Facilities all ?natters of...
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Of the dood:e bugbear. That the many now, more than ever, owe much to the few. That the Editor does not want his " baby" to...
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S.J.C. KEEPING FULLY OCCUPIED A T a recent meeting of the S.J.0 Executive Committee, Mr. D. Richardson was appointed acting...
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WHETHER a transaction involving the haulage of sand VV between Gresford and Burtonwood should be priced in accordance with the...
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It is Rarely Safe to Attempt to Compare Operating Costs, as Produced by one Haulier, with those of Another, for the Reason that...
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T HE furniture-removals trade, between the wars; was one which, due to economic and other conditions outside the scope of this...
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R ECENTLY we accompanied a party of Parliamentary and other guests, which, at the invitation of Mr. S. P. a Loosen, the...
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C INCE a very early stage in the war, suggestions have been put forward. that the farming industry should he kept urder much...
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UERIES DRIVERS WHO SHOW A LACK OF APPRECIATION VOUR leading article, "Homes from Home for I Drivers," in your - issue for...
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Shortage of Strategic Materials has Served to Popularize Welding and Hard-facing Techniques for Repair Purposes and the...
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A N important feature in repair and maintenance work to-day is that of time-saving, and if this can be achieved, together with...
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A Re'surne of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published T HE high temperatures attained in modern engines often...