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W HAT is the reason for the paucity of British vehicles at the Geneva International Motor Show? Admittedly, the few makers who...
Delivery Hazards T HE work of delivering the thousands of chassis which leave the motor industry's factories every day of the...
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Hears— That boots are soled and heeled, but tyres are soled and healed. That mobile police stations are not for chasing...
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n iSSATISFACTION with negotia tions with the Road Haulage Executive was expressed on Monday by Mr. C. E. Jordan at a council...
T HE year started well for the British commercial-vehicle industry. Exports in January set up a new record and the weekly...
A " SURPRISE " proposal among the Government's denationalization plans may guarantee the railways -a • proportion of the more...
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T HE Minister of Transport told the House of Commons, on Monday, that new regulations governing the speed of trolkybuses would...
A N unsuccessful plea that the hire of a coach for Servicemen's week-end travel was for a "special occasion" was put to 13edale...
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WHEN, in the House of Commons V1' last week, Mr. Hector Hughes moved that transport charges for essential commodities should be...
N ews MR. JOHN BLACK has joined the board of Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd. • MR. C. C. BATESON, northern manager of Guy Motors,...
F UNCTIONAL groups of the Road I Haulage Association have elected the following officers:— Agricultural Hauliers: Chairman,...
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" A RE we right to keep our railways for ever or should we consider that in the end the roads must do the job better?" asked...
F OLLOWING a petition by the National Road Transport Federation on behalf of its three constituent organizations, a seleCt...
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nECTSION was reserved by the 1 .-/ Scottish Licensing Authority, last week, after he had heard the application by Northern...
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The spring meeting of the Institute of Welding will be held in Glasgow from April 24-26. Vehicle exports in February were...
inECAUSE there had been a change of 1 - , Government, many C-licensees thought that all their troubles were over, said Col....
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W HEN 12 West Midland hauliers appeared as respondents to . an appeal by A. Fletcher and Co., Ltd., Burton-on-Trent, to the...
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" BELIEVE every Government in this country has got a vested interest in the railway system. After spending large sums of money...
A N inquiry is to be held into the financial position of GlasgoW Transport Department. The transport committee decided last...
A NEW garage with 10,000 sq. ft. of I -1 . floor, space has 'been opened by Wright and Co. (King's Cross), Ltd., a big London...
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By A. E. Sheriock-Mesher W HEN the Transport Act restricted his haulage activities to a 25-mile radius, Mr. H. Hounsomc, of...
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C LA1MED to be the narrowest mechanical wheelbarrow made, and to have exceptional tractive characteristics because the drive is...
T HE introduction of Tomlinson battery-electric vehicles and a specially designed trailer has considerably eased the work of...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. I N 1921, Mr. J. Worthington, founder of Worthington Motor Tours, Ltd., Birmingham and...
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KES HAY AT GE :VA By G. Mackenzie Junner, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.R.T A LTHOUGH by no means the largest Continental show, that which...
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A BOUT a quarter of the total expenditure of London Transport Executive goes to maintenance. Lord Latham, chairman of the...
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Landmarks HEY say that London fares may go up yet again," said Maggie. " When is it going to stop? First fares, then petrol,...
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of passenger vehicles than some people will readily believe. I suppose that we can all think of towns where, for no reason of...
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r ENERAL compactness, a com plete absence of frills, a feeling of lightweight efficiency . subtlety of detail, the sleek effect...
Orders for fire-engines for five overseas cOuntries, Were being executed from the new factory of James Whitson and Co., Ltd.,...
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I T is almost true that the " average " does not exist. You may reckon average figures for the weekly cost of operating a...
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'WHILE the Budget is still fresh in W mind, it is interesting to look . back a century or so to see how our forerunners in the...
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T HE latest progress in the design of magnetically clutched gearboxes is shown in patent No. 665,425, by H. Chatelet and H....