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We expect to hear that frequent use is made of the lumber in suburban areas, at applaaches to corners or cross roads, but we...
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Important Test Action in the High Court is Won by Pickford's Ltd. We refer on tiic first page of this issue to a judgment of...
The plaintiff in this case is the Atturney-Gelieral suing on behalf of the public. The defendants are the Great Northern...
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The L.C.C. has, as we have already reported, called in M. Manage, the working head of the Paris Ueneral Omnibus Co., to advise...
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"I should say." That the first vehicles will arrive at Tate. That Middlesex thought its Bill was safe. That this year's...
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Although, as a rule, it is as well to 'let well alone," it needs care to ensure that all is always w11. The first part of the...
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We recently inspected an exceptionally luxurious Milnes-Daimler, single-deck, 30-seated bus, the body of which was constructed...
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FireBrigade Matters. Fleetwood is much pleased with its new Leyland fire-engine. The new Dennis engine for Derby arrived in...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. Everybody who is interested in the...
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The EIGHTH ANNUAL PARADE will be held on WhitMonday, 1st Tune, 1914, on an area which has as its headquarters centre the Tate...
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Perhaps the most forceful selling points which manufacturers of the small utility machine can put before prospective purchasers...
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By a Special Correspondent in New York. [Editorial Note. — We were enabled to publish in our last issue the first part of the...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Another Shock-absorber—Composite Tires Roller Bearings for Big Ends. R. EsisaULT-FELTERIE, No. 28,517, dated 15th :\ [arch,...