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SOME interesting features of body construction nre referred to in an article concerning the activi ties of a well-known...
THERE is every indication that the future ^L prosperity of Great Britain is bound up with and dependent upon efficient...
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N OW that the warmer weather has come it is important for operators to check whether their drivers have reset the engine idling...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The City and County Borough of CANTERBURY has placed an order with Eleetricars, Ltd., for a 30-40-cwt. lowloading vehicle...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets. Analysing Canada's Lorry Exports. C...
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How a De Lavaud Device Functions on a W. and G. Van Owned by a Well-known Furniture-removal Concern. TIURING the past few...
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U P to the present the most'.popular Methods of testing the hardness of metal have been by the use of the Brinell and-Herbert...
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in Body Construction T R E NGTHOENINCI plates are essential for almost any class of woodbody framework, but they may also be...
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TN a few months Major-General G. F. 'Davies, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., will retire from his present position as Director of...
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and its Bearing on NATIONAL PROSPERITY A MOST interesting booklet, entitled "Roads," has 11.. been issued by the Roads...
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of STEAM NAGONS - FOR many years there has been but little change in the general principles of steam generation and...
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M ANY a lorry made during the past few years from war-time stocks of subsidy-chassis components has proved a sound investment...
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T HE construction of an infinitely variable gear has never been a difficult problem so long as one is content to employ the...
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of the HAULIER and CARRIER M OTOR haulage could be a profitable business for everyone concerned and it would be were it not...
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for the Montreal Convention S a striking example of the progress which is being made by British manufacturers in the...
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F ROM a new works and assembly depot at Beaver Lane, King Street, London, W.6, the Reo Motor Car Co., of Lansing, Mich., 'USA.,...
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IT LIE transport of biscuits and similar commodities by road motor d'ernands!the employment of a type of vehicle which, above...
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T HE '.essential features of coach and bus bodywork are common to the products of most modern coachbuilders, but every designer...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Notes on Every Aspect of Coach and Bus Development. need for suitable accommodation for passengers before and after a journey...
The Organization Dealing With a Large and Growing Fleet of Motorbuses, Trolley-buses and Tramcars Now Centralized at a Depot...
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Details of an Agreement Arrived At Between the Promoting Company and the Municipal Authorities Concerned. S EVERAL conferences...
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Enterprise of a Hyde Company Which, This Year, is Specialising, in Long-distance Work. rrIELIS year Goodfellow Services,...
Swansea Police Court Considers the Unusual Circumstances of Operation of Some Local Bus Services. • A N interesting "test...
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INFINITELY VARIABLE GEAR T EE gear described in specification No. 310,064 is particularly interesting, as it provides an...