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I T may be that by the time this issue appears the London bus strike will be over. On May 7 we wrote that early action should...
A CCIDENTS on the road are seldom inevitable, but there is far too great a tendency to regard many of them in this light....
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ALTHOALTHO UGH under the Road and Rail Traffic UGH there is no specific provision for binding hauliers to certain routes,...
P ARTICULAR interest, this year, attaches to the War Office Trials now being held among the North Wales mountains, because they...
New Conduct Con IT will be satisfactory to many t r o I for Coroners of the public, including road Welcomed users, to learn...
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More of light-alloys for bodywork. That the " conference season" is in full swing. Of efforts to develop a sound formula for...
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It is believed in many knowledgeable quarters that there will be - an important change in the Ministry of Transport, which may...
A LTHOUGH the wages committee's report has, in the main, met with a large measure of approval among employers in the Yorkshire...
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Anomalies in 'film-transport costs, owing to different bases of charging, were referred to by Mr. S. Grimshaw at a meeting of...
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Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, issued a warning when he granted an applicaVon by Dundee Corporation...
IN two cases recently, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority and his deputy have suspended carriers' licences in consequence of...
T RADERS should not be allowed to chOoSe their own Means for transport, said a railway solicitor, at Liverpool, : last Friday....
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National control of a co-ordinated system of transport alone would solve the difficulties and needs of users and employees of...
'VINT an invitation will be extended to the railways to co-operate with the road-transport industry in the efforts which have...
Grimsby Corporation is buying six A.E.C. Regent buses. thirham County Council is buying three Leyland Cub goods vehicles....
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Scope of Bouts-Tillotson Decision Extended, and Questions of Changes of Business and Lapses of Operation Reviewed P RINCIPLES...
the L.M.S. and L.N.E. Railway companies versus D. R. Stuart, the Tribunal ordered a stay of execution for 30 days, to permit...
U NUSUAL circumstances, explained in The Commercial Motor on April. 23, surrounded the appeal of the Southern Railway Co....
D IFFICULTIES of a small haulage business came to light in the appeals of Modern Haulage Services, Ltd., Carlisle, which were...
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Licensing by that an applicant was endeavouring to secure a privileged position were discounted by the Appeal Tribunal, this...
THE major agricultural shows are led 1 in point of date by the Bath and West, which is being held this week (May 26-29) at...
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T HIS 'series was unavoidably interrupted by an article written to conform with the general tenor of the previous issue of The...
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Neglect to Comply with any Condition May Result in the Suspension or Revocation of a Licence, Apart From a Heavy Fine. Dangers...
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Goods Vehicles Still on the Down Grade, but Hackneys Make a Better Showing. Market Possibilities Revealed by the Latest...
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3LEMS WITH CONTAINERS Designing Lift Vans to Save Weight and Afford Maximum Accessibility. Speeding UP Loading and Unloading...
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I T is a well-known fact that in the country of its origin the Federal has established itself in popular favour miong both...
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Without Dismantling The Crypton Portable Engine test Equipment Enables a Rapid Check to be Made of the Performance of the...
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O N January 1 of this year, T. M. Erskine and Co,, the Scottish agent for Karrier Motors, Ltd., Luton, supplied a Cob Junior...
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First H.S.G. Luny in Service Giving Great Satisfaction. Highland Operator Places Order for Coach. Yorkshire Bus Owner Much...
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Hallmark of THE DODGE 3-TONNER Road Test No. 258 Minor Modifications which Have Improved the Perforrnance of a Popular...
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Are Doing MUNICIPAL WAGE GRADING PROTESTS BY C.M.U.A. Acceptance of higher wage rates by local authorities in its territory...
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I MPROVED wages and working con ditions have been agreed between the employees and the managements of the Birmingham and...
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A MONG the. first municipal. authorities to announce their passen g ertransport results for the past year are those of...
C OMBINE and independent interests have united in the formation of Otley Omnibus Stations, Ltd., : an £8,000 private company....
O N Monday ni g ht, Bri g hton General Purposes Committee approved, by 24 votes to three, the principle of a report by...
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and trolleybus men in the strike of central London bus workers have com- pletely failed. Consequently, this week, the busmen...
Some Points from a Paper by Mr. R. Beveridge on the Lighting. Heating and Ventilating of Passenger Vehicles T HE second paper...
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M OST of the unorthodox patents seem to emanate from the Continent, and the design of engine shown in patent No. 4(14,022 is no...