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The Editorial staff of this journal is now busily engaged upon the compilation and arrangement of the text and illustrations...
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One of the latest d.!velopments, but by no means, therefore, a negligible one in regard to the commermal-motor vehicle...
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That the agents' section is in-a, quandary as to the next move. That. no word beats " parcelcar " for its job—unless it be...
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Bexhill-on-Sea Town Council is being urged to purchase a motor fire-engine. The Bilbao Municipal Council is inviting tenders...
With regard to the turbine fire-pump tests which were described in the last issue on page 225, 1 should like briefly to...
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The Motor Ambulance Committee of Rawtenstall has now collected £600, Tenders are imited. Edinburgh Town Council desires to...
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Big Meetings of the Men. A Strike forecasted in 1913. It appears that, up to the present the London Motor . Proprietors...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. Great pressure on our space this week...
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Trouble with Weak Bridges and Unmade Roads. Commer Cars Did Well, as did the Italian Entrants. By Our Special Correspondent in...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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The Agent Question. Up-to-date Advertising. By "The Extractor." In last week's issue, considerable space was given up to the...
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Errata. Turbine Test Results. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1112] Sir, — Kindly allow me to point out a misprint in the...
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k Department. Z ‘,....,,,.. .... Where to Buy your Supplies. Interesting and New Supplies from Factory and Showroom. You Can...
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A Rotary Valve. E. C. R. Marks (American Rotary Valve Co. of Chicago), No. 27,901, dated 12th December, 1911.—This...