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L AST WEEK we referred to the need that. exists for the establishment of freight exchanges, and mentioned what had been done at...
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The Views of the Road Department of the Ministry of Transport. I N ORDER TO ascertain the views of the Ministry of Transport...
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Of lorry loads of traraoars. That .York will be sorry yet. Of Michelin's stretch of the imagination. That Scottish users use...
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Agricultural 'TraCtOr a Motorcar ? An interesting case was decided before the Reading Borough Magistrates a few days ago. In...
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By "The Inspector." C OMING HOME afresh after ,a few weeks in France, it seemed curious to pick up the London papers and to...
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The Features of -Representative Types of British Five-ton Vehicles. O WING TO the rise in the price of oil fuel of all kinds,...
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The " B.T." Type Remodelled with a New Engine Having Many Distinctive Features V EIIICLES OF Thornycroft make have long been...
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A Critical Consideration of the Expressed Views of Sir Norman Hill on Motors v. Railways. T HERE has been published recently ....
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Suiting the Implement to the Tractor. The Right Implement Will Give a Satisfactory Soil Condition. T HE DEMAND made by the...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). T RE FORD ton truck is now on sale in America : indeed, it has been...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the render of the best letter which we publish on this page all others are...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. 1:Trider the above title we briefly described, on page 22 of our issue...