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N °THING is more harmful to business and trade than a State of uncertainty, and the commercial-vehicle industry, (hiring the...
A NUMBER of decisions of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners has caused a certain amount of antagonism between local council,...
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I T appears that drivers of Oil -engined vehicles might well be assisted in obtaining efficient gear changing by a simple...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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By a Bill recently presented to the Argentine Congress, it is proposed that all interstate lorry and bus traffic shall be...
The latest product of the Clews Petersen Piston Ring and Engineering Co., Ltd., West Heath Works, Mill Lane, West Hampstead,...
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According to The Times, Mr. Ransom, the acting Ministen of Transport for New Zealand, has issued draft proposals for a...
So assured is Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., that business is definitely on the up grade that it is expending L500,000 on erecting new...
Harrier Bus Chassis For South Africa. Keener Motors, Ltd., has in production at its works at Huddersfield 10 double-deck bus...
MANCTIESTER Corporation is buying a Leyland fire-engine. Six now trolley-buses are to be bought by SOUTHEN'h Corporation, at...
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When Coventry Corporation's 'transport department recently proposed to curtail certain services, the city council, as mentioned...
The Tramways Light Railways and Transport Association. T HIS Association considers that the g eneral effect of the...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentgry Correspondent L.P.T. Bill to be Carried Over. A T the time of writing it is...
FROM a special report recently drawn up by the motor-truck freight division of the U.S. Department of Commerce, it appears...
the surveyor of Somerset County Council, dealing with the maintenance and repair of county roads and bridges, has recently been...
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EW British-built COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE D URING the past year John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Basingstoke, has been...
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Frameless Tatra Four-wheelers and Six-wheelers Demonstrated in London. Interesting Design Which Has No Universal Joints li A S...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3892] Sir,âMay we ask for your consideration of the following facts in connection with...
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T Il HE ultiwheeler 10-wheeled out fit made by Multiwheelers, Ltd., 3, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1, has peculiar...
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T HE present time, when pre-selective and easychanging gears are arousing widespread interest, seems most opportune for the...
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The Official Attitude Towards Road Transport An Historical Review of the Road and Rail Situation During the Past 11 Years,...
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The Armstrong-Saurer Diligent Tested Under Load from Newcastle to London ; a Fast Machine, Easy and Safe to Drive. Similar...
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Ingenious Device in which Plunger Acts as Valve and Injection is by Coil .Spring A N interesting new fuel pump for oil...
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T IIE Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders desires to associate itself with the memorandum recently submitted to the...
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GLASGOW'S £75,000 BUS GARAGE OPENED The Largest Garage in r\N October 20, the Lord Provost, IL/Sir Thomas Kelly, formally...
DROP THE L.P.T. BILL. AN eloquent statement on the London Passenger Transport Bill has been issued on behalf of the Motor...
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Four-wheeled Bus M OST of the four-wheeled buses s() far used in Sweden have, owing to axle-load regulations in force in that...
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A Feature which Hauliers Find Helpful in Estimating and Anticipating Chances for Obtaining Contracts M OST wholesale traders...
MHE B.F. Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, has designed a new form of cushion tyre, which is known as the Zero-Pressure. It is...
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HAULIER and CARRIER W HEN I ask readers to send me their problems I mean it : when I call upon a haulier I expect him to put...
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BULKHEADS for BUS BODIES T HE front bulkhead which separates the main saloon from the driver's eab of a forwardcontrol bus...
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T HE axle arrangement shown in patent No. 380,295, by Societe Anonym° Adolphe Saurer, Arbon, Switzerland, appears to be a...